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About the Author: stray city


  1. I would have picked the little dog up. Obviously she was in distress . At least the children tried , but dogs dont eat sweets .

  2. Only the kids cared for that poor little puppy….goes to show how humans become filled with impurities as we grow up! Children are always pure in their hearts.

  3. 一看就知道在某强国 在欧洲早就被人当宝贝一样抱回去了,根本舍不得让它在这么混乱的大街上瞎溜达。

  4. Mais de mil pessoas passaram por esse lindo cachorrinho e ninguem fez nada ,se fosse uma criança. seria a mesma coisa , mas tem sempre tem um anjo bom que ajuda

  5. May God Bless you for all the good works you do for all of these neglected fur babies! I don’t know how any human being can just walk by a helpless, hungry or hurt animal! It sickens me that we are so desensitized to the agony of animals and even other human’s. But people like you continue to give me hope! 🙏🏽😊

  6. La indiferencia de la gente es terrible , y así es en todas partes , estando bien yo no importa lo demás, da una pena tremenda , DIOS nos a dado todo y en abundancia , y así le agradecemos , ignorando su voluntad de ayudar al que sufre , buen video que muestra lo que somos .

  7. 🙏🐕❤️🙏🐕❤️🙏🐕❤️💕💕💕💕💕 innocent animals are gifts! Thank You for her rescue and Taking Good Care of this innocent puppy! 🙏🐕❤️✝️

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