Rescued poor skinny dog ​​depleted health |Animal Rescue TV

Rescued poor skinny dog ​​depleted health |Animal Rescue TV
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About the Author: Mike Brown


  1. Poor little girl she is really thin and looks ill but when you see this baby at the end of video she lots sooo much better soo glad that she is on the mend and living in her forever home thanxs you guys for helping her and getting her ah forever home another happy ending god bless you all ? ? ? ? ? ? ❤️ ? ? ❤️

  2. Attache abandonner laisse mourir de faim honteux la cruauté des humains.sont les pire ils sont.vivent ils ont mal aidé Les nourrice les soigner les aimes les sauver les ils sont tous amour e magnifiques adorable sauvé les MERCI mille fois merci

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