The Best Ever Arguments Against Religion | 1 Hour Compilation

The Best Ever Arguments Against Religion | 1 Hour Compilation
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Join Neil deGrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens as they dismantle religious claims with logic, science, and profound insights in this ultimate compilation of thought-provoking arguments.

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1. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Q&A

2. The Poetry of Science: Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson

3. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins Discuss Science, Religion & Evolution

4. Neil deGrasse Tyson on Why He Doesn’t Believe in God: Which God? There’s 18,000 Gods! (Part 14)

5. Neil deGrasse Tyson on God

6. Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke – God, The Universe and Everything Else (1988)

7. Carl Sagan’s last interview with Charlie Rose (Full Interview)

8. Carl Sagan’s 1994 “Lost” Lecture: The Age of Exploration

9. Christopher Hitchens and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Debate on God

10. Does God Exist? (Frank Turek vs Christopher Hitchens)

11. Christopher Hitchens vs John Lennox | Is God Great? Debate

12. Christopher Hitchens: God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

13. We Don’t Do God? | Christopher Hitchens & John Haldane at Oxford

14. Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett vs Boteach, D’Souza, Tale

15. The God Debate II: Harris vs. Craig

16. Richard Dawkins on the Late Late Show

17. Christopher Hitchens vs. Rabbi David Wolpe: The Great God Debate

18. Richard Dawkins: One Fact to Refute Creationism

Thank you to our Patreon supporters;
“Big R”
Peggy Giammattei
Brent McWatters
Austin Hendrickson


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About the Author: A Dose of Reason


  1. Buddhism is about you.
    Not about finding it outside yourself.
    We are all connected to the universe.
    Praying for the peace of others and yourself.
    Not asking a god to do that.
    The power to change for the better is within each of us. Based on the Lotus Sutra (Moyho Renge ) and devoting (Nam)
    Nam moyho renge kyo!
    Kyo is the sound.

    If you find this truth outside yourself, you're severely deleted: Nicherin Diashonin Buddha of the latter day.

    SGI-USA today.

  2. Of course, like everything else, of you keep it to yourself, your religion will never make you look crazy. Unfortunately, some religions cannot shut the fudge up!

  3. So if I asked Neil if he has a mind he would say yes. We take his word for it. If I asked him, however, to prove objectively, that is, scientifically, that he has a mind, or even that "mind" exists he would say no, because, oddly, "mind" is invisible and outside the realm of objective science. It's apparently a function of the brain but in fact requiring no less an operational body, not to mention, among other cosmic things, the gravity imparted by the rest of the universe which holds the primary particles that make up "our body" together. Mind and body are intrinsically connected, not to mention consciousness (another concept that is impossible to objectively define), which, too, as far as we can measure, is, like the mind, a function of a working body.

  4. Religions are TOOLS of the vested interests to enslave innocent people😮
    Religions enslave people by forcing them to BELIEVE in the existence of a Creator😮

    Spirituality enables true Seekers to REALISE the actual cause for Creation 😅

  5. superstition – noun
    1a: a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation
    b: an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition
    2: a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary

  6. They keep saying that the Trash gAd is powerful. Millennia old generations that did not have a car, plane and Internet or even a printer provided us that stupid belief. If so, why not Trash gAd provide $1000 to each and every person including to the wealthy Every time they attend. So, humans have to work while no animal works (except for those Birds that build those beautiful nests) and Termites? Plants are made up of body cells just like us that also contain DNA in their Chromosomes just like us. Plants do not do any work. They enjoy life. They exhibit their beautiful flowers to all animals in a very proud manner. We too enjoy eating dinners and do not worry about what our digestive systems do. SciTech is still in a primitive stage. So, Criticizing Trash gAd is Bad? Why? Just because many are forced to believe? Because of the percentage? It is just a Social act, that's all. Burying human corpses away in tombs allowing worms and microbes to eat away all of the flesh? I recently read that a youthful enzyme missing in the elderly can now be activated for long lifespan, without which people suffer from cancer, Alzheimer's etc. They are about to start their trials. They calculated and said that 1- year increase in healthy lifespan of each person on earth will result in a gain of $10 Trillions for the Humanity !

  7. What if I turn any way of living into a religion and it is logically wrong to do so? Hitler convinced people that Jews were the greedy race of the world and managed to turn them against them. I don't know if Jews were especially greedier than other people but, in the end, Hitler and the nazis were simply using moral authority to get people to fulfill his political designs of mass murder. Why stop there and make all political ideas 'religious' and move populations to do his bidding. It really isn't that honest in the end.

  8. Dawkins and Tyson met at the 2006 Beyond Belief conference where Neil dropped three false histories attacking religion.

    Is Dawkins clueless Neil was sharing misinformation? If so, he should not call himself a skeptic. A good skeptic makes it a habit to challenge claims to see if they are supported by evidence

    Or is Dawkins aware of Tyson's falsehoods but chooses to endorse him regardless. If so he is dishonest.

  9. Jesus was a man, a mortal man, an uneducated village workman, an overzealous preacher, and violent seditionist finally executed by the Romans. Dead.
    "Christ" was an entirely concocted "resurrected" character backstoried onto Jesus by Paul and others.
    That story was wholly fictional in order to elaborate a theology.

    That's all you need to know.

  10. My problem with the god of the Old Testament is this; he is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Therefore he knew right from the start every action, thought and deed to come, including those he will condemn to eternal damnation and torment (which is everyone because we are all sinners including infants) and at least twice he has committed genocide and murder of his own son

  11. “We live in an age based on science and technology with formidable technological powers. And if we don’t understand it,then who is making all the decisions about science and technology?” This is the crux of our problems!

  12. If believers kept their irrational ideas to themselves! We wouldn’t have a problem!!! Yet they want to interfere in politics-convince others etc and spread their lunacy far and wide

  13. I watched this with a Christian friend of mine and he has watched a lot of his stuff he says he thinks that dark energy the thing that we don't know anything about is God that's why we can't figure it out because it is Jesus Christ and all the angels and God I just thought I'd throw that out there and see if anybody thinks closely remote to what this guy's talking about dark energy is God Jesus Christ and the angels😮

  14. Would Neil de Grasse Tyson apply any of this formidable CRITICAL THINKING and LOGIC skills to the CAPITALISM, AMERICAN IMPERIALISM and ISRAELI ZIONISM for which he and his New Atheist Cult celebs are the perfect shills ?
    Imagine this obnoxious roadshow New Atheism " God Hating " the highest form of rationality in " OUR democracy " !
    Also, I hope his New Atheism morals instructs Neil to be a gentleman around women. The same for Mr. Kraus ( " A Universe from Nothing " ) and the late great science writer Isaac Asimov ( whose son was identified as the King of Child Pornography in California ( ? ) ) .
    Ex Trotskyist Christopher Hitchens died a warmongering, Islamophobic drunk . Nope, nothing wrong here ! Clearly militant atheism is not the path to personal sanity and to a saner world .
    NOTE :

    [Home Tech Computing PCs

    Asimov son in PC porn case

    David Asimov, son of the late science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, was arraigned in Sonoma County (Calif.) Municipal Court on Monday and charged with felony exploitation of a child and related child pornography charges.


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    [David Asimov, son of the late science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, was arraigned in Sonoma County (Calif.) Municipal Court on Monday and charged with felony exploitation of a child and related child pornography charges.

    Asimov, 46, was arrested on Thursday, after members of the Santa Rosa Police Department seized more than 4,000 computer disks and videotapes from his Bennett Ridge home.

    "There were thousands of disks, thousands of videos," said Sonoma County Deputy District Attorney Gary Medvigy, who is handling the case. "Anything imaginable regarding sex between human beings and human beings, or human beings and animals, was there. Whatever your imagination can conjure up, he had it." ]

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