What the first-ever Puppy and Kitten Inauguration where you will see cute dogs and cats and not the other thing happening today.
Support these incredible organizations providing emergency assistance related to the Los Angeles fires for animals and residents:
Pasadena Humane Society: https://pasadenahumane.org/
Humane Society of the U.S.:https://www.humanesociety.org/
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank: https://www.lafoodbank.org/
Join us now at https://MeidasPlus.com
Support these incredible organizations providing emergency assistance related to the Los Angeles fires for animals and residents:
Pasadena Humane Society: https://pasadenahumane.org/
Humane Society of the U.S.:https://www.humanesociety.org/
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank: https://www.lafoodbank.org/
Join us now at https://meidasplus.com
Puppies and kittens…..yes. I didn’t watch that travesty.
Ben is hysterically funny, this is brilliant!
I wish my two mini poodles were as well behaved!
Thank you for being here doing all these videos and live streams. Your so important to counteract the MAGA channels out there and thanks for having this fund raiser.
This was a Day of Service to honor Dr. MLK. So, I’m certain puppy fundraiser meets the spirit.
Thanks so much for your great content. It's awesome of your channel to help raise much-needed funds for animals and humans in need of help in LA!! Oh, yeah — love your cute dogs 💖
SFL 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 this is what happens when people listen to good ideas, we raised money to help the Human Society during the Wildfires in California.
Its a Deer in the headlights TO VLADIMIR VLADIVCH VLAAAAAMMMM ! OH SO HAPPY!!!!!! LOL!!
I got a question: q. If I am called to testify in a court of law and refuse to put my hand on a religious text, argue with the Judge and bailiffs for an hour about properly taking an oath, and cite republican rhetoric by stating "what do you want? The liberals to win?"
What would proper recourse be for refusing to take the oath? (Im poor)
You got me cracking up laughing my gosh beautiful little boys
They are cutier than
Trumpet 🎺
great job Ben!
I’ll pass on the puppies, cute as they are. I like listening to your news and comment. I stay with those.
Animals over humans everyday of the week. They can teach us some humanity.
Meidas Touch those 2 are just too cute 😂😂😂
We need puppies every day, for at least four years. Big kittens, and mules.
I am watching this late because i spent MLK daying watching inaugurations of real Presidents like Obama, Biden, Carter, then crying because if we dont save ourselves at midterms we will never see more like them. Rather a puppy and kitten inauguration than watching the wolf in really poor fitting sheep clothing being installed as dictator. God save us.
So cute❤
Goats are cute!
Sorry, I did not see this! Unfortunately, I did not put on any mainstream news, channels, or TV stations or even check anything on my phone! I refused to see one second of that disaster! I wore my black for mourning the death of America!
I feel duped. Had assumed you had developed spine transplant tech and supply GoP reprehencables and insanitors with a merciful operation.
Yet you CONtinue to wallow in Bannon's mire? Even the Billionaire Tech Bros just victims. Deal with the bitter feral cat none have a hope of controlling.
Breaking news "he pooped, I cleaned it"…well….your already 50% ahead of the effort trump makes. He will poop anywhere, expect it to be cleaned up, and also expect to not have to pay for it. Talk about government waste.
What a refreshing show. It used to be the Uber rich that did stuff like this. Now they are to Greedy, and don't care how the public perceive them.
You guys have the hearts of heroes. Thank you for helping the humane society.
Thank you..
Please stop giving the creeps our power. Every time someone plays one of their rants, we give them our power. Let's talk about other things, PLEASE. Thank you
Love it😂😂😂😂😂