Cute puppies, 7 weeks old, are sleeping. My Belgian Shepherd Linda gave birth to 12 puppies. Ten beautiful girls 👧 and two strong boys 👦. Mommy dog is resting in the house. Hyperactive, tireless Malinois puppies finally decided to sleep on the doorstep of the house. At the age of plus or minus 7 weeks, Belgian Malinois puppies change dramatically, they begin to show their true character and temperament. At any second, they can attack you with the whole pack. These are working breed puppies, their instincts and behavior can shock. When choosing a breed for the role of a pet, take this responsibly. Consultation with a professional dog handler is a must!
Music: KEVIN MACLEOD – Screen Saver.
Live long and prosper 🖖🐕🦺💘🇺🇦🌐🕊️
So wonderful puppy dogs. Please halp animal. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Édesek ♥️
Die sehen ja alle so süß aus 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕 ich 👧 liebe Hunde 🐕 und Pferde 🐎 über alles das sind meine Lieblings Tiere Schöne Grüße von raudi 🐕 und Lukas 🐎 und Christine 👧
Bože nádhera malé štekadlá vedia aj spat?
So ❤❤❤❤❤
Die schlafen nicht… Die machen neue Pläne, was sie als nächstes anrichten können….😂😂😂 Alles kleine Verbrecher 😂😂😂
There is an old saying – "The lull before the storm." In other words, all hell will soon break loose, when the puppies wake up!
Qu’ils sont magnifiques ses chiots malinois très belle famille j’adore ❤️🌹🎈
Уявляю, як Ви всі (особливо Лінда🤯) чекали на таку мить🥱😅😅. Чисто янголятка🥰🥰🥰
A little nap.. after they woke up everyone in the house. 😂
Hauptsache sie bekommen ein schönes Leben 😊
Look at those little babies! Sleep tight little furry angels.
Банда пушистых хвостиков ❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍💯💯👌👌👌👌🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗🤗😂😂
They all love to snuggle up to another … safety in numbers. Would love to snuggle in there too !!
Wo bleiben die vielen süßen Welpen?
Where are all the cute puppies?
Ooooo jakie śpiące pyszczalki ❤