Best STREET FOOD in Madagascar!! 29 Meals in Africa’s Biggest Island!! [Full Documentary]

Best STREET FOOD in Madagascar!! 29 Meals in Africa’s Biggest Island!! [Full Documentary]
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🇲🇬 Madagascar Street Food Tour:
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In this ultimate street food documentary we’re traveling through Madagascar to uncover some of the most unique and unseen Malagasy food. From street food in Antananarivo to traditional village cooking, and incredible seafood on the coast, this is going to be an African culinary adventure of a lifetime!

0:00 Intro to Madagascar
2:26 Landing in Antananarivo
4:43 Day 1 Antananarivo Street Food Tour
26:28 Day 2 Sausage and Koba
42:09 Day 3 Village Cooking in Antsirabe
1:04:09 Day 4 Antsirabe to Morondava
1:14:01 Day 5 Morondava (Avenue of the Baobabs)
1:34:26 Day 6 Morondava to Antsirabe
1:46:35 Day 7 Antsirabe to Fianarantsoa
1:57:26 Day 8 Fianarantsoa to Mangily Village
2:10:43 Day 9 Extreme Madagascar Seafood
2:27:43 Day 10 Mangily to Fianarantsoa
2:39:23 Day 11 Last Madagascar Food
2:47:25 Ending – Leaving Madagascar

We spent a total of 11 full days in Madagascar and along the way we met countless people, tried regional Malagasy food, saw endless landscapes, and learned about this incredible country – the biggest island in Africa! I hope you enjoyed watching this entire Madagascar travel and food guide documentary. Thank you for watching and stay tuned for lots more food and travel videos!

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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. Wow what a walk out of the village , it is amazing to see how others live and such a special feeling how they have a great community structure.

  2. Hello 🤗👋 mark wiens you have blowin us away being in Madagascar and the great hospitality and friendly people it so awesome 😎👍 to watch this video 📷 well done mark wiens you out done your self yet on other one of your awesome videos 📸 love it 💕💕💕

  3. been a long time viewer but never commented. Just want to say how much i love your content Mark, the genuine interactions and exploration of different food cultures is so inspiring. Hope i'm as lucky to visit even a handful of these countries and try some of the wonderful food you get to feast upon! Keep up the amazing work, from Scotland

  4. How wonderful an experience to be in Madagastar. The people are so friendly, the women are beautiful and the men are gorgeous. What a wonderful experience. Thank you for bringing Madagascar to us.

  5. This channel has blown me away! I'm always impressed with the incredible hospitality you receive. Top-notch content, and I am grateful to be able to watch it.

  6. Are you back to Madagascar again it's like you have really loved this country and I love the way you appreciate all the food in all the countries you have visited and the friendinesss of the people are really amazing

  7. Once again I am blown away by this channel! Im always impressed by the incredible hospitality you receive as well. Top notch content and I feel so thankful to be able to watch it.

  8. Wow Mark, this was an amazing full doc! 👏Your co-hosts were great and I’m always impressed by your enthusiasm as well as your genuine interactions with the locals! Soooo entertaining on a Saturday morning!👍 I’m a forever fan!

  9. Hey Mark and family. I learned more about the people of Madagascar from your Vlog than a book. You said it, "From a movie." Only the animals, never the people. In fact, I just learned something from 23andMe that I am a Austronesian, Filipino, and Indonesian. This was an amazing video. Thanks, Mark.

  10. Envelope loved watching your son grow up and experience things that we in the in the North in America would never dream of it helps me realize that there's more to life than just what I have which is nothing so thank you

  11. I picture Madagascar as one big island like the Amazon with some dry lands. Who would have thought that is well developed like some other countries. Food looks great and the people seem really friendly. I wish Mark revealed the cost of a typical meal and hotel price. Another great video.

  12. As a fellow foodie from India, I travel different places and enjoy varieties of food vicariously through you. Thank you, Mark. You're my favourite food vlogger. 🙏

  13. Incredible place, people, views, and food. Madagascar reminded me a lot of my home country Ecuador with how sweet and welcoming the community is and the busy streets filled with delicious street food. You did amazing cinematography and story capturing the essence of Madagascar. Incredible video, you made my day today!

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