Unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape. Snow in Russia

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Unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape. Snow in Russia
In the capital of the Primorsky Territory, snow removal works are carried out around the clock. At the moment, 321 janitors and 160 special vehicles are working on the streets of Vladivostok

For the third day Vladivostok is covered with snow. The equipment is not coping, the roads are slippery. Cars and public transport move with difficulty. Drivers are having a hard time digging out their cars. the city is trying to cope with the elements that have fallen on it.

According to the operational headquarters at the municipal road enterprise “Maintenance of Urban Territories” in Vladivostok, a total of about 2,000 kilometers of roads were cleared of snow and treated with reagents.

Early in the morning, after the change of shifts, day crews began to work on clearing the streets of the city.
According to the operational headquarters, work to eliminate the consequences of precipitation is carried out around the clock in all districts of Vladivostok.

“From early morning, the number of janitors has been increased, who manually and with the help of small-scale mechanization clean sidewalks, stairs, passages, public transport stops, underground and overground passages.

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About the Author: Admin


  1. 🕊🙏 Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name.

    Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

    Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses

    as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into

    temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom the

    Power and the Glory forever & ever.🕊 In Jesus Holy, Blessed Name

    Amen. 🙏🕊

  2. В России тоже непогода, она не кричит на весь мир об этом. Водочка, селёдочка, картошечка, газ, дрова и печка. С Новым годом. Мира всем

  3. Вспомните 60,,,70,,,г,были ветра шквалом бураны метели снега Вы ЧТО родились сегодня не надоело клевать мозг как параноя очнитесь человеки найдите свои мозги

  4. Нормальная зимняя погода в сибире и на северах , у нас в Норильске метет почти всю зиму , дороги чистят 24 часа без перерыва , заносы постоянно выше пояса , а весной оттаевают машины занесенные снежными бурями их называют подснежники.

  5. Fé amados de Jesus
    Ele não disse que seria fácil.
    Mas disse que estará com os que creem
    Jesus falou sobre a
    Fúria da natureza como prova de profecias se cumprindo

    Ezequiel 7:1-4
    "Veio a palavra do senhor a mim…
    Haverá fim Sim, sobre os quatro cantos da terra. Julgarei segundo teus caminhos… Meus olhos não te pouparão, não terei piedade… E sabereis que sou o Senhor

    1 Corintios 7:23
    Fostes comprados pelo mais elevado preço; não vos torneis escravos de homens!

    Tudo na ordem
    Besta 666 composta d 3 líderes
    Babilônia = conjunto da besta 666, com suas ramificações e súditos
    Vivemos Autodestruição da Babilônia Daniel 2:44 Apocalipse 13:8 – 16:1617:17 – 18:4-5 e muito mais

    Deus não quis governos
    Eleitores 1 Samuel 8:10-18
    “Samuel falou todas as palavras q Deus havia lhe dito … ele tomará suas filhas … para que fabriquem armas e cozinhem … e tomará o melhor de vossas terras … Chegará o dia q clamarão contra o rei q escolheram e Deus não lhes responderá.”

    Governos incitam ódio
    Religiões incitam preconceitos
    Comércios incitam ganância

    E pra Jesus voltar os líderes vão acabar



  6. VddqLiberta
    Fim d Sistema Adamico
    Besta 666 composta d 3 líderes
    (os q crucificaram Jesus)
    Babilônia = conjunto da besta 666, com suas ramificações e súditos
    Vivemos Autodestruição da Babilônia Daniel 2:44 Apocalipse 13:8 – 16:1617:17 – 18:4-5 +

  7. es el clima normal de los rusos,, ahora lo que pasa en EEUU es castigo porque son unos invasores hacen sufrir a las personas matan apoyados en su falsa democracia y libertad.. viva Rusia carajo

  8. Да в России каждый год так люди уже привыкли и приспособились 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Нам грустно когда нет морозов, мы любим морозы.

  9. Я живу на Ставрополье у нас тоже лет пятнадцать назад были хорошие зимы с метелями,но конечно не такие как в средней полосе России,но хорошие 10 – 15 мороза держались,сейчас всё изменилось климат теплый,летом жара

  10. Luego pues no se jactaba de que abriéndo hielo les queda mas fácil ganar la querra? 😂 Y estaba esperando mucho hielo! Mucho! Para quedarsen con crimea 😂😂😂😂 lo se van a quedar es ahí enterrados y tiesos en el hielo!.

  11. Друзья, присоединяйтесь к проекту Созидательное общество. Это единственный выход из всех калапсов в которых сейчас живёт человечество.

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