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About the Author: The Other Side NDE


  1. NDE's are psychological events of the mind based on traumatic experience. Trustworthy? NOPE! Paul the Apostle who wrote most of the New Testament saw Heaven and REFUSED to write or speak about it. Surfers have more NDE moments than anyone. Ever been held underwater for a minute being shaken like a rag doll?? Ever see your life pass before your eyes in a millisecond?? NDE's are traumas, not Revelations. READ THE BIBLE and forget the illusions.

  2. I'm tired of living anymore it'a full of worries how much i pray and how much i apply no one accept me in work because lack of work experienced i always pray to heal my relationship to a girl i love but nothing happened.If i died i will say to the lord I don't want to be reincarnated or i don't want to go this they called school because it seems lack of help here of God and heavenly beings.I hope i can find a work already or heal my relationship to a girl i love because it's hopeless everyday and This called God seems doesnt care.

  3. Perhaps the best evidence against "life after death" experiences is that the "I saw a bright light, felt at peace, saw Grandma and my old dog Tobias, and talked to God" trope can be reproducibly replicated by electrical stimulation of specific nuclei deep in the brain. As can the experience of being abducted by little naked spacemen and violated in various filthy, nasty ways involvimg body orifices. It's clear that experiencing our dearest, most deeply desired wishes, AND enduring our most humiliating, culturally proscribed nightmares are both stereotypical responses to profound threats to life. These little set pieces are deeply etched on our mother boards, to be called up to our awareness at times of stressful threat to life. Why? Excellent question. We don't really know. Presumably they previously served some sort of purpose, one which increased our species' chance of survival during the Ice Age. In all likelihood, this purpose no longer exists, leaving these terrifying little Passion Plays to spool out under stress, filling us with false hope, or scaring the crap out of us.

  4. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you good health and happiness 🗽
    "Have faith in the grand design" Interesting, i follow taoist precepts and it resonated with me.

  5. I have watched at least a dozen NDE on you tube, and this one is the only one that makes sense. Our being is all about growth; we can do it the hard long way, or the shorter easy way. Tip: The hard way in this life is actually the easy way in the long term.

  6. Science has proven that these are dreams. It is impossible for your brain to leave your body, so under these circumstances people have incredible dreams. No one dies and comes back to life. People who are in a coma often have incredible dreams.

  7. I saw the other side when I did an Ayahuasca Ceremony.
    We are students studying.
    Then my Uncle/Big Brother/Best Friend died suddenly.
    I understand, more than most, how this works; it doesn't make it any easier.
    Life is a hard game we signed up for.
    Love is what we need to survive!
    Create it, embrace it; just love.
    We will all go back to the combined conciousness, try to make other people's journey easier; be kind to one another ♡

  8. OMG!! Jim's account is honestly one of the wisest insights into human existence that I HAVE EVER heard!! Truly life affirming. Thank you for sharing. I will be sharing this video with many friends xxx

  9. yes, the experiences are different, but personal and stays forever with you. You know there is more then now and here. eternal life does exist.

  10. I love all these and this one was really amazing but please change the ending music, it's so bad. I'm embarrassed to forward this because the music makes it sound cheesy and new agey.

  11. This was so interesting…you said something that I was intrigued about. Something like there in no center of the universe…i personally feel that we are all the center of our own universe and its all happening through us. Did the voice say anything about we are creating through our frequency of energy? Such as the reality around us is the reality we hold within us? Thank you for sharing your experience. 🙏 (my dad was a pilot)

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