Experimenting on Animals: Inside The Monkey Lab

Experimenting on Animals: Inside The Monkey Lab
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VICE News gets rare access to Europe’s largest primate testing facility, the Biomedical Primate Research Center (BPRC) in the Netherlands, where scientists try to find cures for the worst human diseases, while claiming to provide unparalleled care for the monkeys in the hope they live the most animal friendly life before and during testing.

Once selected, inside the laboratories, monkeys are shaved, anesthetized, and experimented on for research purposes.

Yet the center remains controversial. Protestors gather regularly in front of its gates and there are calls in the Dutch parliament to close the site and switch to alternatives for testing on primates.

But as the BPRC explains to VICE News, modern science isn’t there yet. In the meantime, it still uses about 200 monkeys a year for a slew of experiments to find cures, and even replacements for primate testing in the future.

Read “Europe Rejects 1.2 Million Signatory Petition to Ban Animal Testing” – http://bit.ly/1Jucdpz

Watch “Poaching, Drugs, and Murder in Costa Rica: Shell Game (Full Length)” – http://bit.ly/1HrOdBc

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  1. Wat de reden ook is geen enkele reden is goed voor die mishandelingen maakt niet uit de ziekte die ze zelf maken om daarna grof geld te verdienen met een geneesmiddel ziek ech ziek

  2. tired of all these people who dont get that they are atleast testing on them to produce live saving medication, go protest to those that make beauty products instead.

  3. Oh man, can’t believe anyone tortures animals ever 😫!!!!!!!! It’s one of the saddest things ever on the entire planet!!!! Let’s all vote to enforce the toughest penalties of the sick, evil people who dare hurt another living being, especially something as innocent as an animal 🌍🌎🌏

  4. I work at a lab and I am SO HAPPY to report our conditions are far better and our stringent procedures (like a recently anesthetized animal is checked a minimum of 3 times once placed back in an enclosure and will be continued to be checked until they are lucid and can perch). ALL our macaques are acclimated to gloves, collars, coats, chairs, PPE, everything. We want them to be comfortable and I just heard a tech talk about a macaque that just showed his arm for a small blood draw while he ate some grapes without any restraint in his enclosure AKA he could have walked away at any time. He just chilled, enjoyed his grapes, and when the procedure was over, went back to being a monkey in his enclosure.

    The labs I know go way way way above and beyond the lab in the video and provide far better wire lab enclosures, procedures, and acclimation. I work at a lab and even I cringed at some of the things shown in this video. You'd be fired on the spot at my lab for some things shown. I'm glad you guys posted this video but I'm sad you haven't updated to 2020s requirements and what some labs have held as standard for years.

  5. the fact that animals have to pay the price for our research is heart breaking but we should understand that this is the only way we can improve our sciences so as long as it doesn't hurt the ecology of our planet then this process might even help us to reach the next level of human kind on this planet

  6. Researching or testing on animals or people, it doesnt matter. Because when anyone implements or does not implement the principles behind their actions, job, or time in licensure devoid when unethical, does not integrate any beneficence, respect for person, and justice, they are not researching professionals who test and discover advancements to heal the sick or cure the disease by experimenting in the name of research, they are criminals and abusers who justify the same cycle as proven in history such as tuskagee with a total disregard regarding their abuse of power and position. The unethical researchers are the most dangerous due the removal of do no harm, respect for person, and the right to justice written in the Belmont principles and are quite the opposite in what measures health and safety even for the future by their contradictory actions. Wonder why these labs of experiments are hardly known nor caught as we are kept in the dark, unaware? Because they do it in the most rural, smallest, and remote towns, that through the isolation, the researchers can maintain the most level of control of secrecy and abuse their power. Embarrassing comes to mind in what the oath is suppose to stand for.

  7. I'm about ready to strangle some people. No they are even human if they can do this to any living being..they are aliens! Monsters! Anything but normal and they need to be stopped

  8. As much as its horrible for them and the true pain and sadness they endure i can see why its done. I mean they are trying to find vaccines for humans for some of the deadliest diseases known to man. It doesn’t really fall under pointless abuse, well at least from what we see here, in this particular instance. There comes a moral debate about that also, are we right to benefit at their suffering? Rightly, I don’t know. Its not an easy subject any way you look at it, do we torture animals, or do we develop life-saving treatments. 😞

  9. Y'all can get sad and cry all u want ..these lives are worthless in compared to the progress they make ..u should be thanking them for not suffering from any legit disease ..PPL born in well developed nation don't experience hardship thus are soft and call a little let down as depression lol ..
    We'd care less bout any life form other then human if it's for greater cause

  10. This is all they’re good for! Better to have them making new medications than stuffing their ugly faces and trashing peoples house. we need more labs and more tests

  11. Feel free to take the spot of any one of those monkey's, please do that. We need to better understand medicine. I hope that none of the people complaining about this EVER EVER have taken Tylenol, Birth Control, Antibiotics, Insulin, or ANY other pharmaceutical.

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