Crazy tennisball sized hail storm in Alberta Canada! Even tornado and flooding footage

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There was a crazy hail storm in Alberta, Canada. The worst affected places are Red Deer, Innisfail, Markerville, etc

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About the Author: World Is Dangerous


  1. That is normal weather in that area at this time of year. No biggie !
    Sorry about all the damage it causes though. It costs so much to do repairs. 🤬
    ♥️ ✌️ 🇨🇦

  2. The sixth seal of the End Times, is just North of Red Deer, I wonder the Pope opened it, the Priest who was to open it is the Priest that got shot back in 2014, in St. Paul. If you recall a government minister in 2016 got hit on the road right on that same section that these people are stopped at at 3"27, lots of strange shit happens there. The RCMP actually closed that section searching for something that the minister lost when he was hit by a car. Another little known fact, si that is remenants of ancient Pyramids by Big Valley, and east, where this Tornado was.

  3. got caught in tennis ball sized hail while driving home from dinner one night. TERRIFYING. Tried to hide under a full tree, ended up with both hail damage AND leaves and branches all over my car.

  4. Oh lord, I bet they didn't even see those ships in the sky above them as they were stranded on the Queen Elisabeth highway…………..they still do not understand what exactly is going on.

  5. I watched it just miss our house on Monday. Was so thankful my family and I had made it home with our camper before the hail hit. I know a lot of people lost fields and farm crops, and produce gardens due to this storm. I hope they can recover from their losses.

  6. The idiot that passed on the right should have gotten creamed by the truck backing up at 6:00 minutes. Maybe a ticket if the license can be determined. A lot of hail damage in Oyen about 4 weeks ago by egg size hail.

  7. Repent…
    God bless everyone…

    The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.1 John 2:17

    Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. Matthew 24:35


    For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life
    John 3:16

    “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.



  8. Wow. Mother Nature is obviously done messing around with those who insist on going against her. (She obviously has no respect for fancy expensive cars)…lol, I'm with HER.

  9. Hail was seen in numerous videos shared on social media the size of grapefruit? Yea right, if that were true, THEYD BE SHOWING THAT RATHER THAN LESS THAN GOLFBALL SIZE!

  10. Same thing happened in Emilia Romagna ( region of central Italy ) with abt. 120 wehicles injuried by hail storm balls ( as tennis ball size ) on the motorway director Bologna about 2 yrs ago .
    It was terribile too ………..

  11. You have rejected God, this is a preview of consequences, please stop persecution of the Church and return to our loving Savior, He will forgive and receive you…after you repent.

  12. 21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. Revelation 16

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