This thing DESTROYED me! Monster Hunter Sunbreak Day 2 Compilation

This thing DESTROYED me! Monster Hunter Sunbreak Day 2 Compilation
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#monsterhunter #sunbreak #montage

Max continues his journey through Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, as he and pals tackle the big Shadow of Colossus monkey man, Garangolm, and an absolute nightmare of a hermit crab!

Featuring: Criz, Keeterz, @NicoB, @TiffanyLockheart, @Alzero83

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Edited by Jorge Constantini ►►

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About the Author: Maximilian Dood


  1. Leave it to Shogun to teach us how much we suck at fighting crabs.

    My theory for why he kicks our asses so much is that most of out instincts and habits playing most hunts is, to the best of our ability, “Avoid the head because that has the teeth and the fire and the ouch. Circle around that shit, you don’t get hit.”

    But crabs are armed on the SIDES of their bodies. Which is where we circle to out of habit.

    So fighting like normal becomes like repeatedly sticking your head into the open jaws of a damn Rathian.

  2. My Sunbreak Grind has honestly been going well, pretty much got a Mantle for every monster on the first or second hunt. I don't have anything to use them on, but I do have pretty much all of them. They're not even worth using in melding as they aren't even worth a single meld. My only real complaint with Sunbreak is that it still feels pretty damn easy, even for MR, sure I've still failed quests, but the number of those is maybe 5-6 across my journey to currently MR 50+, with only 2 being my first encounters with monsters, Shaggy hit surprisingly hard, and Allmother is actually even more Bullet Hell in MR.

  3. I still can’t believe IGN gave this a 7, what a joke. A 7 signifies a mediocre game. MH rise is nothing close of mediocre

  4. How old are these people? They throw an F bomb every 2 seconds as if they were teenagers, it's like they do not know how to be funny so they use the typical F this, F that mentality of a 13 year old.

  5. I still think Max should react to the Monster Hunter trailers. With all this talk of boring reused monsters and looking for new experiences, im interested to see what he thinks of the old or foreign titles

  6. I hate the ign system, iceborne's opening roster was only about this size, it's great now because it finished all it's updates and event quests… we're getting those now

  7. 1:45 ooooh boy, be careful with dem opinion pieces Max, you might anger quite the crowd lol.

    He's right though, Rise feels better than World to me and I'll gladly die on the same Hill as Max on that one.

  8. …yeah, my first thought for the Cohoot head was "Edge Master Cosplay" as well. I'm running that, HR Shell Studded Chest (Layered) and I think Alloy Waist (Layered) and everything else can be whatever, so different builds still have a bit of a distinct look to them.

  9. The posion dragon (akinos) I believe was toughest so far because it kept 1 shotting me, plus the posion, lol so was just in the back spamming my horn while teamates fight it. edit: feel free to correct me on the monster

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