Controversy of Intelligence: Crash Course Psychology #23

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So, how many different kinds of intelligence are there? And what is the G-Factor? Eugenics? Have you ever taken an IQ Test? All of these things play into the fascinating and sometimes icky history of Intelligence Testing. In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank talks us through some of the important aspects of that history… as well as Nazis. Hey, I said some of it was icky.

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Introduction: Defining Intelligence 00:00
The G-Factor 01:22
Psychometrics 2:33
Gardner’s 8 Intelligences 3:11
Measuring Creativity & Divergent Thinking 4:12
Emotional Intelligence 6:06
Eugenics 7:05
Binet & Simon’s “Mental Age” Tests 8:01
IQ Tests 9:06
Intelligence Tests, Eugenics, & Forced Sterilization in the U.S. 9:40
Eugenics in Nazi Germany 10:44
Review & Credits 11:45

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  1. Defining intelligence is dumb. I mean even if we could, what use would it be? it's much more useful to figure out how to increase it. If schools instead of using grades tried to allow each child to reach his/her potential then it doesn't matter if I'm less intelligent than my peers because at least I'm better off than I was yesterday. This becomes even better when we personalize education, because if I want to become a architect, then musical intelligence isn't all that useful, but spacial intelligence sure is, so I can work extra hard on creativity and spacial skills, not grading myself, but working to improve each day.

  2. Hi there, I want to know if Rotogenflux Methods, will work for me? I see many people keep on talking about this intelligence boost system.

  3. The problem with “emotional intelligence” is that it, by its own definitions, is measured relative to a particular culture of values and norms. In fact, it sounds a lot like what the Nazis were doing with their pseudo-IQ tests. Emotional intelligence is just a politically correct term for level of social indoctrination.

  4. Nazis involved huh? Hmm, I hope Nazis don't like ice cream because apparently that would make me a Nazi. There's a phrase for this line of thinking in the scientific community; ironically, if you know what I mean.

  5. I think multiple intelligence theories have survived because people don't want to feel dumb, so instead of accepting that someone is simply smarter than them, they want to say that someone else is smarter than them on one subject but they can still be smarter in this different subject.

  6. Gardner and Sternberg have been thoroughly debunked, yet they get 'equal footing' time. NOTHING in social science is as certain and supported by science proper as the existence and usefulness of general intelligence. It is the single best predictor of success in life – it's that simple. And yes, it is certainly heritable. At this point, anything else is science denial.

  7. My favorite quote is by Albert Einstein and it goes “everybody’s A genius but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree it’s going to live its whole life thinking it’s stupid” or something along those lines. I think as a society we spend too much time pointing out others flaws and how they are inadequate instead of helping grow their talents and Encouraging them to learn more about what they’re good at.

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