NDE Silvia Isachsen Interviews Jake Cooper Near Death Experience

NDE Silvia Isachsen Interviews Jake Cooper Near Death Experience
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Silvia Isachsen Interviews Jake Cooper on his Near Death Experience.
❤️ Subscribe to Silvia’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3iTh_tJsrpgmsqkxGTNKAg/?sub_confirmation=1

Visit Jacob’s Website: https://jacoblcooper.com
Purchase Jacob’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Life-After-Breath-Fatality-Immortality/dp/1951805283/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Visit Silvia’s website: www.silviaisachsen.com
Purchase Silvia’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Downloads-Heaven-Compilation-Transformative-Messages-ebook/dp/B08BN4GZ61/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3NI0CBS5JR6I8&dchild=1&keywords=downloads+from+heaven&qid=1608679923&s=books&sprefix=downloads%2Cstripbooks%2C225&sr=1-1
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About the Author: Silvia Isachsen


  1. Don't die with the music still in you… is ringing in my ear like the sound of a bell. Thank you for that. It's true: however traumatic certain events in life may be, without that happening, we might not progress forward. My father and best friend both had NDE'S (trusted sources) but it wasn't until my own traumatic divorce and later, losing a child, did I begin to truly dig for and seek after further light and knowledge. Many thanks for sharing!

  2. If a Christian, especially one grown up in the faith sees Jesus in a dream or NDE, then we might say "Well the concept was just trained into the mind" and not a real manifestation, but the fact that a young child of three sees/perceives who he recognizes as Jesus is quite significant, because his mind had not been trained with that concept. This affirms 3 things, One; life continues even when the body is no longer inhabited, Two; Jesus, God and angels are real entities not folklore, and Three; those who pass on are not the ones who suffer, it is loved ones who remain alive in this life are the ones who suffer. Thank you for sharing and being an encouragement to those who know that their life in this world is coming to an end.

  3. The spirit is not an age and you do not have the mind of a small child in spirit
    I know of this from age 2 and like an adult thoughts

  4. Ultimately, it's not that we use 10 percent of our brains, merely that we only understand about 10 percent of how it functions.

  5. Feels great to listen to like minded people! I become spiritual after I lost my Dad in 1999 and plunged into depression, then I got diagnosed, and saw him very briefly ! I also saw a magnicient blue light very closely shining on my 3 and a half year old son as I was changing his clothes!

  6. My first memory goes back to before I was born into this life, where I became aware of myself and saw how I was being prepared for this life before I was born.

  7. I loved listening to Jacob’s story. His story is poignant and deep. It’s truly unbelievable that when life altering events happen, we become ageless and there’s no sense of time. Thank you for sharing your NDE!

  8. Jacob your testimony has made me want to know you, to gain help from you. You are so articulate, that old soul quality. Terrible terrible trauma created a magnificent blessing for you. And that became a blessing for the thousands who hear your story. Dear Little Boy that you were, thank you for allowing your suffering to become a gift to the world. Silvia once again an interview that is pure gold.

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