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About the Author: PowerfulJRE


  1. He was sent back because he obviously has so much to learn. Hopefully he will get to know Jesus and not go back to the pit.

  2. You had a warning from God Almighty that all unbelievers who reject JESUS CHRIST will wind up in total darkness. Jesus said you MUST believe in the Son of God, be born again spiritually of the Holy Spirit, and be washed in His Blood to be cleansed of your sins. By God,s ten commandments we have broken His Laws.Jesus says that flesh and blood cannot enter into the Heaven of Heaven and have eternal life with God.Jesus came to pay for all our sins and is our mediator between GOD and man. Hell was made for Satan and his fallen angels and through the act of Adam and Eve following Satan, mankind's DNA was corrupted through eating from the tree of knowledge. You have a mortal body of flesh which is home where soul and spirit live. The soul is your conscience, plus you have a spirit that is dead because of Adam and Eve,s sin. Receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, the gift of eternal life through Jesus, and get your name written into THE LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE. REPENT! Hell is a holding cell where all people who reject JESUS CHRIST are tormented by demons day and night,, they are chained in a holding cell and tormented by demons and worms. Then they will be Judged with Satan and his fallen angel for eternal Hellfire and torment in the sight of God forever! God calls people like you FOOLS!!! God is absolutely Holy and cannot look upon sin( evil) Please don,t die in your SINS, today is the day of salvation. Jesus can change your disgusting as He did with me. I was dead in my sins and made myself my own God. Satan came to try and kill me through many addictions But Jesus came and gave me a brand new life when I called out to Him on my death in the hospital. God loves you and created to be part of His forever family . Receive Jesus by faith and read the Bible. I would start with reading the Book of John.

  3. You should be thanking the Lord God Jesus Christ for your life.
    if materialism is how you are approaching this event, you will not be able to explain the spiritual questions of:
    1. Who made you
    2. What your Creator's purpose is for your life
    3. what is hell/hades/the abyss.
    4 what are the porters of hell
    5. Where does the mercy of God come from (Hint: in comes in the Name of Jesus)
    6. can demonic spirits imitate real people
    Repentance Toward God the Father, and Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ – it's the most spiritual thing you can do!
    God bless you all!

  4. All these Christians in the comments. Joke's on you guys, your entire lives have been pissed away on a giant lie and NDEs are very easily explainable now that we have actual scans of the dying brain.


  5. If you want to know what has happened, you may want to consider dropping your atheist view. Try being more open minded to the mystical and religious explanation. Have no fear.

  6. You saw hell Mr. Junger.
    Look to Jesus to save you!
    Jesus donated His blood, and there is redemption in His Blood alone.
    Faith in Jesus will save!
    Jesus is who you should thank!

  7. I was thinking the same how can he not believe in hell and have faith after that.
    I was reminded that when Jesus walked the earth and performed miracles there were people who still wouldn’t believe.

  8. I have gone through hundreds and hundreds of NDE's cases. Your "faith" isn't a requisite. Atheist, Christians, Agnostic, and Non-believers alike have all described same events. In my experience, christians are predominantly say they 'met Jesus'. While many say they met someone in his likeness but never heard the entities proclaim I AM Jesus. Just encounters with heavenly entities no actual names or figure heads.

  9. Remaining atheist after this experience, means you are an ignorant person – typical materialist.
    How he eagerly is holding to the low oxygen theory that has been disproven a long time ago.
    I think I can wish him a nice stay in the pit in advance! 🤭

  10. I believed in god Until my near death experience. It’s possible it’s not the same for each of us, but I never saw any light or god. I felt time and existence slowly disappear and if it slowed to nothing it was over. I believe that anyone who saw god is either halusinating because your body does crazy shit when it’s dying. Or they are lying.

  11. I always imagine that health nuts do shit like smell their own farts to try & diagnose any digestive problems they’re having. Or examining their logs 🪵 for information.

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