This Lake Explodes Every 1000 Years & Creates a Huge Tsunami: This Is Why

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Limnic Eruptions, also known as Lake Overturns, are an extremely hazardous event that occur in meromictic lakes due to a build up of carbon dioxide, which steadily accumulates over a number of centuries, until they reach a point where all that is required is an external catalyst to trigger the explosion of the lake. These explosions go on to form two very dangerous events. The first is a mega tsunami, which surges in all directions destroying everything it comes across, before retreating back into the lake and dragging large amounts of debris with it. The second, is the release of a giant cloud of noxious ground hugging carbon dioxide, which travels in all directions for many kilometres, choking out any oxygen dependent life it comes across until it has finally dispersed to a point where it is no longer fatal to life. Some fatalities that have occurred from the past two eruptions, did so at heights of 120 meters above the level of the lake, which shows how dangerous these events truly are.

In this video we’ll take a look at the 3 eruptions we know of, what causes them to occur, and how we are using these eruptions to our benefit, by converting the carbon dioxide rich lakes into a source of energy to power nearby towns, reducing the risk of these events in the process.

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Check out some of my other videos on YouTube:

Why Some Volcanic Eruptions Are More Explosive Than Others

Why Water Creates Such Explosive Volcanic Eruptions – Phreatic & Phreatomagmatic Eruptions Explained

The Super Volcanic Eruption That Could Destroy Italy & Affect The Entire Globe: Campi Flegrei

The 1 Million Year Long Volcanic Eruption & The Worst Extinction Event That Followed: The Siberian Traps Flood Basaltic Eruption

When New Zealand Almost Disappeared Beneath The Ocean & How It Was Saved

Campi Flegrei – Italy’s Supervolcano: The Documentary (Campi Flegrei Supervolcanic Eruption Documentary broken up into 4 episodes)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:


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About the Author: OzGeographics


  1. So hear me out and put on your doctor evil hats. Give me 10 million dollars and I can make metal spheres with a ton of explosives and timer set for like a month killing millions. You can use local labor because once you fly out of the country no one will be alive to catch you. Just something that always pops into my mind with this lake. You may now take the dr evil hat off.

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