Real Ghosts Caught On Camera? 5 SCARY Videos | Nuke's Top 5 | Ghostober #26 | IMSTILLASIA

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About the Author: ImStillAsia


  1. I’m very happy that you decided to set up this channel and the music reactions on the other channel with BJ is a hit as well.. you guys truly keep me entertained and keeping me smiling .. thanks to you both .. this was another great reaction .. thumbs up!! 👍

  2. I live in a former brothel near the Stead US Military Air base in Stead, NV. that is haunted by a murdered prostitute. I live alone but former (male)neighbors that were abusive toward women have been ran out and have never come back.

  3. Every spirit I've had was harmless. They'd walk around then room.. If you turn on the light they disappear. Occasionally they move things. But they did break two of my things and have shown up in pictures. They've been around me for over 40yrs now. It's just a sensitivity some people have to be able to connect and see them.

  4. First video i'm gonna assume is fake. It has to be cause no one in their right man is gonna hear sounds in their home and investigate in the damn dark. No one's survival skills are THAT low! Second video, more believable that it could be real. Rest was all bull till the last one. All that being said, I work as a machinist and know enough on how to rig up things that could do all of that while looking like no one is there. Hard to believe any of it. I do believe in ghosts but Hollywood and the Internet just make it hard to find or see anything real.
    Edit: I would like to point out that "orbs" are just balls of energy. That's it, they're not related to ghosts being around in any way. It's only believed that ghosts use the orbs to draw power as they do with things like batteries. On top of that, lot of people dismiss it cause it can be a bug or such things.

  5. 🍿 Congrats 🎉 3K ASIA!

    👻 I may know what happened to software ur software 👻 (just sayin lol). I agree w/ ya Asia, last story seems most legit! ♥️ Ya

  6. Now saying oh shoot all the time instead of well s*** not a bad thing I guess crack me up girl just stay out of the basement do you have a basement you don't want to go down now you don't need no ghost babies and where do these people get these flashlight mine will light-up damn house take a good flashlight on a shotgun then you go to the basement just saying Keep On Keepin On Girl peace out!

  7. Why didn't the basement ghost guy just light his way with a single match? And then he hears some unearthly howl, and he's like "Hello?" Boathouse one was also total BS. " I think our job is done here, doo Dee doo Dee doo…" Fakesters Top 5. Lol

  8. I love watching you and BJ doing reactions, but this is the first time I watched your channel and I really enjoyed this. I will check out some more of your videos.

  9. No no no, me no like basement ghosts… When I bought an Undertakers home I’ll never forget when my youngest son Chip came running in my bedroom all out of breath telling me he just seen a man with a tall hat walk into his closet 😳 Oh that gave me the shivers just thinking about that.

  10. ROFLMBO Asia your hand up in front of your face but fingers spread open lol but i feel ya hun Id be like that too lol Always love your reactions Stay safe and much love hun !

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