Top 5 SCARY Ghost Videos For TERRORIFIC FUN o_O

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Nuke’s Top 5 SCARY videos of GHOSTS caught on camera, including some CRAZY TikTok ghosts! So this week in scary ghost videos – poltergeist activity in woman’s haunted house and her dog freaks out. A scary TikTok video of an apparition caught on camera in front of an audience! Ghost hunters the Fourman brothers capture creepy evps , and a what could be a real ghost video of the apparition of a child. Urban explorer “Urbex Hill” captures a strange shadow figure that disappears into an underground tunnel beneath an abandoned building. A night watchman captures paranormal activity in a haunted school, and a ghost hunter captures strange things in a paranormal investigation in his new home. All this and more! Is it real ghosts caught on camera or just an elborate hoax? You decide.

If you liked this Nuke’s Top 5 ghost list, please check out this other Nuke’s Top 5 parnormal video list Top 10 SCARY Ghost Videos To Give You Da’ BUBBLEGUTS

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  1. Awwww Na man you lost my respect when you throw shudder into your video.. horrible streaming service. NOTHING on that is scary. On the contrary, they’re more funny than frightening.

  2. Welp the nasa and elon musk said we aren't prepared for whats coming thats why we tripping out hardcore and saying what is that even tho we already been doin this while

  3. DISCLAIMER: Shudder is absolutely TERRIBLE. I would strongly, STRONGLY advise against downloading it. The movie choices are poor, consisting primarily of low budget horrors, with a choice of only a few renowned and interesting movies. Save your money, Nuke is only trying to gain revenue through third party advertising.

  4. ghost hunters44 removed that video due to school restrictions on recording some facilities which is reasonable. Proving that the security guard experience Poltergeist Activity on camera. So he proves that there are no people inside and no strings pulling off the chairs. Schools in the Philippines are strict for not letting anyone inside after school hours especially at night and holidays. So that's proves that it is creepy and spooky enough.

  5. Quick advice, keep the lights on your house turned on at night, make sure there's no dark room; from my experience, ghost really love dark places, they "moved in" in about a week and start haunting in there.

    Well, in my experience, i got half-posessed(?) And had to be bonked by my mom while reciting bible. It works, but mainly because I'm just half-posessed.

  6. Who puts there dogs in a cage like that. Jezus christ. Had dogs all my life an never ever would I put them in a Cage at that age and size. Insane.

  7. The one with urbex hill the tunnel didn't dead end there was a round opening above his head just before the end the tunnel, Just saying, I think if I saw something strange down a dark tunnel, I would've checked every opening so it couldn't jump out and surprise me. Seems odd not to look up there.

  8. why,, i mean whyy?!? everytime when something good is captured people run away, i know that they are scared but seriously if that man would have stayed still and recorded her face in the attic , he could'v discovered something great.

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