Dumbest People of Reddit (3.5-Hour Compilation)

Dumbest People of Reddit (3.5-Hour Compilation)
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▶ Fresh AskReddit Stories: Dumbest People of Reddit (3.5-Hour Compilation)


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About the Author: Internet Is Fun Studios


  1. The only Japanese character I want on me is the kanji for shinobi. I don’t know much kanji (I took Japanese in high school and in college) but that is one of the few I know. My ninjutsu sensei who I was very close with has it tattooed on his arm. He passed away and I wanted to get the same tattoo he has in the same place in his memory.

  2. How do these bad and horrible employees get hired??? The person that hired them should get written up also,when said employees is let go. 💁🏼‍♂️💁🏽‍♂️

  3. I don’t really get the whole “Chinese tattoo” thing any more. I used to get them when I was a little kid and they were just temporary tattoos i got from visiting the optometrist but getting words like peace or courage or big dick energy or whatever permanently etched into your flesh does not make them or you seem more special or deep by doing it in an asian language vs your own.

  4. If you want to walk around with words on your body, clothes, items, etc. Make sure they are in a language you can read. I learned that since i was frickin 5. If you want the aestetic of chinese characters, make some up, 99.9% chance they won't mean anything and you're safe.

  5. AT SCHOOL in 1950s GB, I had undiagnosed aspurges/dyslexia and became a target for sadistic teachers at school and often punnished for the work of others, also at PT and games I could not control or catch a ball , one punishment for some unrelated matter I was banished from class to the cloak room (that was fine by me) where a
    wire cage with pigeon holes for all the classes sports footwear was kept, the lock had not been locked so I set about mixing all the pairs of footwear up and snaped the lock shut, next PT lesson everyone had odd sizes left and right mixed up, my own also and noted where my own were , the PT lesson was cancelled and they tried to sort it out,,,
    I wasn't as stupid as they believed,,

  6. Okay how's it going to have 400 Days absent in a year when there's only 365 days in a year and you don't go to school for a whole 365 days. I call BS on that… why do people gotta lie about some dumb stuff

  7. All these people getting so mad at their games that they commit actual, physical damage to the room/furniture around them suddenly makes me feel like I’m not as immature during rage moments as I thought lmfao

  8. A dude i used to know owned a Chinese restaurant. I was there when a dude came in. With a huge tat of what he said was Dragon. I knew what dragon looked like. So i asked my friend when dude left. He giggled and said. Lady boy.

  9. This was earlier this year at the beach. Some girl at the pool said "I don't tan because my skin tone is already tan." What's sad is the fact everyone else there at the pool (maybe 10 other people?) agreed with her.

  10. Whats yor favorite baby model? I personally like the bb700 model because you only need to replace the oil once a month, but the bb120 is good also

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