Japan is evacuated! Typhoon Mindulle destroys Japan!

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The powerful typhoon Mindulle unleashed all its elemental power on several prefectures at once. Most of all, the hurricane covered the prefectures of Shizuoka, Kanagawa, Tokyo, Chiba and Ibaraki. There was not just a heavy downpour. A hurricane wind hit the area with gusts of up to 60 meters per second. Airports were closed, about 130 flights were canceled. Several sections of the expressway between the capital and the central city of Nagoya were closed. And about 7,000 residents of Chiba Prefecture were asked by the authorities to leave their homes for a while – because of heavy rains, there is a likelihood of a devastating landslide. At least 15,000 Japanese people in the central and eastern parts of the country are sitting without electricity.
In 2021, natural disasters have become more frequent. We are seeing climate change in many countries around the world. It is not known how 2021 will end.
#weather #news #typhoon #tsunami #Japan #rain #Tokyo #Mindulle #flood #tornado #wave #lightning #hurricane #nature #disasters
The channel lists natural disasters, such as: 1) Geological emergencies: earthquake, volcanic eruption, mud, landslide, landslide, avalanche; 2) Emergency hydrological situations: tsunami, limnological disaster, flood; 3) Fires: forest fire, peat fire; 4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Storm.
playlist NATURAL DISASTERS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bHtCVUrcTg&list=PLJDMRqT6RYJiJ9r4jIyqVGmx2OZ7l3oRO


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About the Author: Dangerous Planet


  1. God is tired of the evil in the world and tired of those who are evil hurting and killin the innocent. Glory be to God…

  2. Amazing, the whole country evacuated to parts unknown as theres absolutely nothing left of the island, godzilla and several other monsters where spotted having a brawl. Afterwards the entire island sank into the sea, wow

  3. Признаки второго пришествия предсказанного Христом в новом завете. Грядёт суд Божий за грехи людей. Нужно всем покаяться и примирится с Богом кровью Иисуса Христа.

  4. Вы должны верить Аллаху всевышнему ,вы покойники.Он ссотоварищей не прощает.Будете поленом для топки геенны адской и будете гореть там вечно.Это все по Священному Корану законы Аллаха Всевышнего.

  5. Све несреће и не дела у свету,раде сотоне људи,само да нас остане та фамозна милијарда. Куд иде овај свет?
    Шта ли су следеће осмислили не људи?

  6. May the people going through this storm come out stronger than ever. I pray and hope for everyone's safety as these storms form along the coast. May God be with them and their loved one's.

  7. With climate change amping up its gonna get much more challenging. Batton down the hatches – install AC – Raise up houses on the coast – store freeze dried food, water, first aid kit & other provisions. Once our current weather system shifts to a new norm, then it's going to get downright wild!

  8. Em que província foi isso? Pq moro no Japão e aqui não teve nada estes dias…inclusive no dia que disseram que ia passar um tufão fomos pra praia e não teve nd.

  9. Well, are you gonna, keep letting the U.S. to fly it's aircraft, around your island, with their magnetic coating, making the clouds expand or not. You have people their, you can see for yourself, what occurs, when their aircraft, flies, through or by a cloud. You do drills, with them, I am sure you have it on camera, what do you think those, drills, do to your people. You know it's true, you have seen it, with your eyes. Magnetic forces, amplify, as they accelerate, so are you gonna, keep letting this happen, or what?.

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