NDE TV Presents John's INCREDIBLE Near Death Experience from multiple organ system failures.

NDE TV Presents John's INCREDIBLE Near Death Experience from multiple organ system failures.
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NDE TV Host Pegi Robinson Presents John Mathis who had an incredible Near Death Experience from multiple organ system failures.


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About the Author: Pegi Robinson


  1. Everyone John is from earth. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well that is interesting. Wish I knew what to make of that. I get what he's saying, or they. But it's hard to tell what is reality. And what is earth. I just know may as well try to show love while we are here, because earth needs more of it, and it's already hard enough as it is.

  2. Punching your guardian angel in the throat for allowing you to come to Earth. That was hilarious. Of course, politically and spiritually, it was totally unacceptable. Probably land you some extra time in purgatory or another lifetime as a dung beetle or something. I'll let you know how offended I m as soon as I can stop laughing.

  3. Also, not to be a "debby downer" on this man's ideas, but I come from a new age background myself, and focusing and perpetuating this idea that we are "brave, magnificent, add adjectives" for coming here, is a dangerous way of fostering pride in people, which is basically the red thread throughout all new age teachings at their core: " Me, me, my my, I, I AM God" "What serves me?" etc.

    It's the oldest lie in the book. Satan said "For your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as God". The fallen watchers have convinced mankind (through gnosticism now morphed into "new age") that the God of the Bible is the bad guy keeping us in the dark, instead of a Father who is protecting us from the dark. BUT, He knows us and our curious ways, so He had a plan to save us from the very beginning ???

  4. It's such a shame that so many people throw the baby out with the bath water, as far as Jesus is concerned. But, then, that was the whole reason why satan set up the vatican etc. Controlled opposition, designed to turn people away from Christ, by giving them a bad taste in their mouths, by this religion and the human beings that represent it ?

  5. LOL at the dad farts ? I would love it if God allowed my little boy to say hi with one of his farts! He made me laugh, he may have only been a tot when he passed over, but he could blow a butt trumpet like a heavyweight sumo champion ?

    God bless! ?

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