〽️Large Ship Disasters

Spread The Viralist

Carnival Glory collision
stranded ships
ship fire
ship sinking
ship desaster

I am a lover of Titanic and ships of the time! (living in Altamira-Pará Brazil) I created this channel with the intention of agglomerating several people to the same tastes. My intent on this channel is to recreate third party content in a different way with a unique dynamic


Eu sou um amante do Titanic e navios da época! (morando em Altamira-Pará Brasil) Criei este canal com a intenção de aglomerar várias pessoas para os mesmos gostos. Minha intenção nesse canal é recriar um conteúdo de terceiros de uma forma diferenciada tendo uma dinâmica única
INSTAGRAM OFFICIAL: https://www.instagram.com/x_marcostitanic/


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About the Author: X-MarcosNavigator


  1. I LITERALLY was just gonna comment "safety first" but I see that it's already been the top comment. AWESOME ??. I SWEAR …. You seriously cannot POSSIBLY make up real life man. Holy Shit, lmmfao!

  2. 1:30 , Safety First, takes on a whole new meaning. Jesus Christ, WTF…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  3. You know this something that I don't understand these damn bolts have all of the ocean they need to get around in…what I want to know is why do they run in to one another this is the stupidest thing I ever seen and they call them self's captains…captains of what it damn sure ant't no bolt like the so call captain that sunk the Titanic and he call himself a captain…wow this is just something that I don't understand at all.

  4. ขนาดในตะเลกว้างเป็นล้านฯไมตะเลยังเกิดอุบัติเหตไดอี่แค่อัไรกะเครื่องบินที่บินบนอากาศเครื่องบินยังมีจอเรด้าจับไปตามทิศทางอาจชนกันบนอากาศได้แต่นี้เรือสำราญยักษ์น้องฯตึกเวอร?เทรสเช็นเตอร์แม่งชนกันเฉย

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