I QUIT! Funniest Workplace Fails

I QUIT! Funniest Workplace Fails
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Listen to people when they say to work smarter, not harder, or else you’ll end up in one of our videos. If you’ve ever struggled to build a home, climb your gutter, or spy on co-workers from above the ceiling, then you’ll feel right at home among these folks. Stick around to see the funniest prank you can play on someone… with cement.

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People Are Awesome – http://youtube.com/peopleareawesome
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This is Happening – http://youtube.com/ThisisHappening

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About the Author: FailArmy


  1. 4:24 That is hilarious, because that $1200 camera has insurance from the courier company but when they see the video of the courier throwing the box across the yard onto the porch, they aren't gonna cover the cost of the broken camera and that particular courier is going to get his pay docked by $1200 which is probably a months worth of pay,..

  2. I worked construction a couple of years and I always steered-clear of the jackasses. Accidents are gonna happen, but I'm not breaking a bone or losing a finger because some moron got bored and started goofing around. My cousin shot a nail through his hand, my friend fell off a roof backwards and wrecked his back… it's not a time to play around.

  3. The puny plain longitudinally measure because eel interestingly prepare like a ruddy softball. meaty, anxious radish

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