Massive landslides caught on camera 2021 (Landslide)top10 NATURAL DISASTERS.

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Massive landslides caught on camera 2021 (Landslide)top10 NATURAL DISASTERS.
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable Climate Change!, that’s where the power is !!!! ,
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About the Author: Climate change


  1. Glad there were no floods or landslides before climate change……oh wait, maybe there were. There is a report on any situation. Rainy, climate change. Drought, climate change. More snow, climate change. Less snow, climate change. More hurricanes, climate change. Less snow, climate change. Rising lake levels, climate change. Lower lake levels, climate change. More bees, climate change. Less bees, climate change. ect, ect, ect…..

    That is why we still had glaciers in Michigan until the evil humans began polluting the atmosphere…. 10,000 years ago.

  2. Now we can guess why we have the big plandemic ??? Our world leaders have been told about the ststem coming into our planetary system and its gonna cause. Us to be jolted and flipped into a poleshift and they think they're gonna hid in their underground bunkers that we paid for though the guise of global warming ??? When in actual fact we are going into a mini iceage.

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