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About the Author: BBS TV


  1. These comments!!! What is it about this drunk that makes people feel sympathy? I mean people calling for Jesus for this one. I write what I would normally write and I'm getting attacked from every corner rofl. I'm picking up on the distinctive smell of milk, mayonnaise, provolone cheese, and egg whites.

  2. Somewhere in the world there is a little girl that has a stripper as a mother, a crackhead as a father and the grandfather cheated his way into the Whitehouse, this will be that little girl in 15 years, yeah murica!!

  3. So many peoples like this our days !!! So sad , this is a human Being , poor woman , how did she become like that !!!! She need help not shame .

  4. 1:50…. Why is this man talking like a slave in 1858?? Who talks like
    this? "Y'all" sound stupid… You need to get your shit wired up tight.
    WTF??? It's like watching special needs people buy milk at the grocery
    store. Get outta here with that bullshit.

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