Rescue Poor Puppy Suffered From Maggots WITH A ROTTING WOUND ON His BACK

Rescue Poor Puppy Suffered From Maggots WITH A  ROTTING WOUND ON His BACK
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Rescue Poor Puppy Suffered From Maggots WITH A ROTTING WOUND ON His BACK.- ?? Subscribe Here:

This baby was recently rescued. LITTLE PUPPY WITH A ROTTING WOUND ON THE BACK. He suffered from maggots and was scared when we approached.
The wound has been washed and treated.
Thanks God the wound not as big as there were many worms.
Now everything is fine, he got stronger and play all the time.
Our baby is already playing! He’s not afraid anymore and comes to his senses) Just a couple of days of affection, care and the baby has already forgotten all the bad.

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Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel:
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About the Author: Animal Rescue Dogs


  1. Muy bueno lo que hacen con los perrito aca en la argentina tendrian que hacer un hospital para los animales nohay hay perros en la calles y nadie se preocupa

  2. Eu sei q essas pessoas tem boas intenções de ajudar esses bichinhos, mas são tão grossas uma ferida aberta cheio desses bichos imundos comendo os bichinho vivo, e elas não levam no veterinário, passam a mão na ferida sem dó e sem piedade, ajudar sem torturar! Me inscrevia pra ajudar mas não gosto de ver o vídeo.

  3. Give the puppy antibiotics?wrapped in laddu?for 5 days.also give tablet ivermectin 10 mg orally to puppy.?dose of ivermectin can be repeated after 2 days.

  4. God bless you?☝️??❤️? Thanks Guys for saving dog and Guys your work is really important and beautiful???????????????❤️❤️❤️??????????

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