Cute Dogs | Cute Puppies | Goldy lockS Band | Let's Take A Ride | Humane Society Dickson County

Cute Dogs | Cute Puppies | Goldy lockS Band | Let's Take A Ride | Humane Society Dickson County
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The Goldy lockS Band wants to bring love and awareness to some cute little #GoldenPups that really need it. Always remember to #AdoptNotShop whenever you can! Stop in your local Humane Society and take home a precious life that needs your love. These animals deserve attention, care and a wonderful home.

Each month some Humane Societies offers incredible prices on spay and neutering. Call and find out how you can be a part of this if your animal needs it.

The Humane Society of Dickson County can be supported from anywhere in the world by simply going to:

For only $4.00 you can feed an animal for a whole month. Why not replace a latte or treat to truly help another life.

Please share this video and include the #HumaneSociety hashtag as well as #GoldylockSBand #GoldyLocks.

We thank the Humane Society Of Dickson County for allowing us to crash their pad and shoot this fun upbeat video ourselves to our original song, “Let’s Take A Ride”. Share it as MUCH as you can!

Contact if you’d like us to come shoot a video at YOUR local Humane Society! XOXO – Goldy


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About the Author: Goldy Locks Band


  1. Great song, great video, and ultimately a really great cause. Way to use your platform to promote positive change. I'll always support great people doing great things for others!

  2. What precious cuties! I wish I could take them all! Goldy a big shout out to you and the guys for having such a big heart and raising awareness! Lovin' the song too!!

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