Spread The Viralist

This is a break-down of what possibly happened to Jacob Feder’s rabbit

Lennon’s instagram:
Lorelei’s instagram:
Lorelei’s Youtube:


Hay (USA): (10% Discount link)
Hay (UK): (20% Discount link)
Zen Tranquility Blend: (10% Discount link)
Wonderland Play table: (10% Discount link)
Pet Alert Sticker:
Pet First Aid Kit:
Rescue our Rabbit Sticker:
Rescue Remedy:
Pet Remedy:
Pet Stroller:
Abbey & Sullivan Odor Remover:
Storage Cubes:
Cord Protector:
Deik Cordless Vacuum:
Puppy Wee Pads:
Oxbow Critical Care:
Metal Playpen:
Covered litter box:
Bunny Carrier #1:
Bunny Carrier #2:
Collapsible Bowls:
Vest Harness:

#rabbit #rescuebunny #jacobfeder


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About the Author: Lennon The Bunny


  1. in Jacob's video he stated "the rabbit was eating, drinking, pooping and peeing the only thing that seemed off was how the rabbit barely moved around." my response to that is do you see it's in a box one hop forward and it's at the other end hmmmmmm wonder why it wasn't moving

  2. Can you please do a informative video on flopy rabbit syndrome I think it's really needed cause majority of the people who own bunny's don't Know about it.

  3. I remember watching the love bird thing and at the end It felt so fishy and I was like "this is obviously fake Like he didn't even taken care of it properly. You cant just leave it in the garage and dont hold it straight away you must wait 2 weeks",. He could be new to having birds but theres still hints he did it like the plastic bags were the same and didn't even take them to the vets.

  4. This really hurts me, I work at a Guinea pig shelter and it is so sad to see how many there are, we are now providing for aout 450 guinea pigs and a friend of mine has a bunny shelter with 85 bunnies. I live in the Netherlands and ther is not that much help for animals here. Here, if horses are sick and mistreated or just left to die they don't even care I gues! I got three rabbids to and I won't ever treat them like this. I'm to be a vet asistent student when I finish high school. and this is bad

  5. The rabbit seemed too calm to be a stray, i’m 100% sure there is something with the bunny but also in shock.
    And when the mother petted him, the way he was laying his head really far back and continue laying it back isn’t a good thing! She should have stopped petting him and hold i’m good
    He really should have taken him to the vet sick or not cus he could have also brought diseases or be chipped since i think the bunny wasn’t a stray, it was to okey with being picked up.
    I have 2 bunnies and one i got from my school, it isn’t a stray but it’s not used to being picked up so we really struggled sometimes when we first got him and now when he trusts us more and is more comfortable we started having him to learn to be picked up and it’s going better everytime, and the way the bunny doesn’t act like a bit in the same way makes me think it wasn’t a stray.
    I think someone didn’t want him anymore since it was all ready sick and didn’t want to care about him
    I think he passed cus he didn’t eat! If a bunny doesn’t eat it just dies. He sort of killed the bunny in my opinion cus he didn’t take it to the vet.
    How he talkes about not dumping a pet gives mixed feelings since he stuffed it in a plastic bag in a freezer. ??‍♀️
    The bunny didn’t die from wet tail disease, i think there was something different. But definitely not what he is saying.

  6. This is so sad. I've lost animals because of my own ignorance before. Its not a good feeling; not knowing what you've done wrong. But nowadays there's so much information online about animal care…I agree that he could've just phoned a rescue or rabbit savvy vet near him and asked for help and advice….it didn't need to end that way.

  7. I hate when at the animal shelter nobody does the bunnies just cuz they do not know what to do look it I mean u have to take care of them there not like fish where I just feed and go show some Respect for bunnies people

  8. look at his lovebird video it made me cry because the dead bird had dead ants allover it so it was obvious he left it for a long time while dead

  9. My question is that. I highly doubt that's a wild bunny. So most likely the bunny escaped from someone's house and just happened to be at his house? He says someone dumped it. But how has it happened to be in his grandfather's garage?

  10. hi, i’ve had my bunny for about 7 months now and she has not touched hay. i’ve tried encouraging her to eat timothy hay as much as i can but she doesn’t touch it. she’d rather starve than eat her hay. does anyone have any tips? she also doesn’t drink water but gets her water from her cabbage, and again i have tried encouraging her as MUCH as i can. she is free roam 24/7 and is a healthy weight and is a dwarf bunny. please help, i want her to eat her hay and when she nibbles it it’s as if she struggles to eat it. thanks ?❤️

    edit: this is my second bunny, the last bunny i was around 8 when i first got him and didn’t have any education of nutrition so he never got hay but lived for 10 years

  11. It’s like he wants to be the hero and be the one who saves it but he really should’ve taken the rabbit to the vet and called a rabbit rescue from the get go. And if he really wanted it as a pet he should’ve gone to the vet still.

  12. Um when a living being dies everything in its digestive system flows out so it’s prolly not a quote on quote wet butt tail diseases and that is for rodents

  13. Just because I've seen a lot of these comments

    He's said it before but rescued animals (especially ones in the same state as the rabbit and the birds) tend to die due to stress. You can't say it's suspicious because it's nature. Also the guinea pig he's rescued has been doing great and he got a donated guinea pig to be buddies with the one he found.
    We need to remember that rodents, birds and almost all small animals are nothing like dogs or cats. They have different anatomy and stress tolerances. It was great of him to even try with these animals considering just how unhealthy they look.
    Another thing is of course he put the rabbit in a plastic bag for storage of the body and the burial! You don't always have boxes on hand and I'm sure you wouldn't want to keep a corpse in your freezer.
    He probably couldn't get the animal to the vet the day he caught it since you have the whole process of making an appointment for your animal. If it died the next day of course he couldn't bring it to the vet.

    This guy works for zoos and many animal welfare agencies you guys.
    He gets animals out of houses and if they're allowed to be released he releases them.
    He was just as sad about this death as you could be if you weren't attached to the animal. I'm not surprised he wasn't crying over it since with what he does he has to deal with his animals dying a lot. (Lizards and turtles are very unpredictable with their health)
    I don't care if your comment is hate or not. There wasn't anything suspicious and it's rude to even say there is.

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