Ghost in my Apartment (Real Ghost Caught on Tape 2015)

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2015 Real Ghost Caught on Tape, Real Paranormal Activity is captured in Tim’s apartment through EVP during this live ghost hunt session. Over the past 6 months Tim has used various tools to communicate with ghosts, and even possibly s in attempt to prove that ghosts, s, and paranormal activity does exist. What will happen tonight as Tim performs more ghost box, Ouija board, and EvP sessions? Tune in and find out.

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About the Author: LiveScifi


  1. Times been 'busy' 'working on projects' aka blowing loads of coke taking zannies scamming fans with no self esteem..all the time playing with evil fire the devil is waiting for Mr Tim to expire and cash out

  2. Hi Tim, I enjoyed the show but worried about you at the same time, Please be careful we love you and want to watch you for a long time so
    Be careful. Love you guys love Mary(Edwards)..xx?

  3. I used to like live sci Fi until jj Bambe left and now you see nothing and that show he done at his flat with that old bird when he said he's gonna contact the Sally house be using the scanning radio stations what a load of BS I'm its not a phone line tim wake up mate ! lots of people can bee fooled but it makes most of us feel like you must think were stupid come on Tim have respect to those who follow ya because as you can see your Follower's are dropping by the thousands mate !!!!

  4. I hope u see this!!!!! I need to send u some amazing evps I captured,, not a ghost box real legit voices I didn't hear at the time,, I heard soothing why I started to record,,,,but what I heard scared me so bad, its 2 separate spirits communicating with one another about me. lol mind u I wasn't holding devise

  5. man, I can never hear wth it's saying. I can tell it's saying something because it's loud static or distortion or something, but I can hardly ever hear words. Is there some way after the live recording that you can run that through some sort of program to take away the distortion so we can hear what the hell it's saying? Or is there something I can do on my settings?

  6. I want to be able to watch your stream but where can I go to watch your stream? You're awesome man, and keep up the good work!. I enjoy watching your videos!

  7. You should go to indonesian
    There so many abdoned Japanese Place like Bunker,Home,and Prison
    Also Colony Era Like Defense,prison, and Dead mine
    So many supernatural Activities on there
    U can try it but has Big Risk and maybe At the moment They take With Exorcism

  8. You SHOULD not be mucking around with this shit. Tim, if you openly invite evil spirits (demons) into your life you will be very sorry. I'm just warning you.

  9. Também já passei por isso! Espíritos, Demônios ou fantasmas qual tremem de medo da presença de JESUS Christi! (Tiago 2 v 19) Ele é a única eficiente proteção contra eles quais são servos do satã. Uma casa onde eles escutam hinos ou louvores ão SENHOR eles não agüentam e desaparecem! O salmo 46 e 91 lido com a imaginação de DEUS escrito no Hebreus 1 vers. 3e 4 faz a libertação completa! ( por enquanto )A imagem do Jesus cabeludo e morto, pendurado na cruz não funciona! Não esqueçam agradecer á ELE pela proteção!

  10. you are a frigging idiot to mess with that board im going to freaking lol you get a achinet evil on you and cant get rid of it i say to all noob paranormal investigators do not use that board less you deff can close what door you open he is arrogant and cocky and does not know how much fire hes playing with

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