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About the Author: GeT_DuCkT


  1. Angelina Jolie Tattoo is either NOT a REAL TATTOO, OR NOT A RECENT TATTOO. Its not red or showing signs of being "fresh". I think its an old one they are passing off as new.
    Any-Hoo…It sucks badly.

  2. Breaking News!….the headless body of a local tattoo artist was found in Juarez this morning, local police are asking for any witnesses or details of why this man was killed.

  3. Sorry was that Truck driver in the beginning retarded or something?

    Yeah the van fucked him up. But he drove across the road. Pull your breaks and swerve you cunt.

  4. sorry but the first video… IF THAT FUCKING CUNT TRUCKER WASNT SPEEDING IN THE FAST LANE LIKE A TYPICAL FUCKIN IDIOT YANK then that crash wouldnt have fucked so many people up

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