Rescue Poor Dog was Abandoned Dumped Outside 34 Degree, Maggots, terrible open wounds, infections

Rescue Poor Dog was Abandoned Dumped Outside 34 Degree, Maggots, terrible open wounds, infections
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Rescue Poor Dog was Abandoned Dumped Outside 34 Degree, Maggots, terrible open wounds, infections

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Rescue Poor Dog was Abandoned Dumped Outside 34 Degree, Maggots, terrible open wounds, infections

How far can indifference go ? ????

We just rescued this old boy, his condition is difficult to describe in words ! ?
Old, dumped on the street while outside we have 34°. Waiting for his end to come ?
Vets are waiting for us, we don’t know how much we can do for him in this condition but what we know for sure is that he is not alone anymore ?
Maggots eating him alive, terrible open wounds, infections, no words..

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He is a miracle beeing alive !!More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:

The dodo pet rescue:

Howl Of A Dog:

Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel:

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Thank you for watching!

#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog


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About the Author: STRAY PAWS


  1. Jack's previous owner is an evil man, how could he let Jack get so sick and then dump him to die. ?? Bless your hearts for rescuing and helping Jack to have a better life of what years he may have left.

  2. The one that dumped Jacck should be dumped too when he gets old to understand what that means. Jack, forget the past and live happy. I know you will do it as you, dogs, don't save rudor. Be happy.

  3. I love you Jack ❌⭕? Bless you all for taking care of Jack and letting him know how real love feels. Obviously the original owner was a heartless fool! May your rescue and shelter be blessed with all the resources needed to continue for many years for many more precious animals ??????

  4. 不要棄養您的寶貝狗狗,更不要傷害任何有生命的動物,會有因果報應,謝謝您們救狗狗的普薩們,感恩您們。

  5. Very good work! Thank you for helping Jack! I am just a bit worried about that Jack is not walking. Even at the age of 15 he should be able to walk short distances. Or not?

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