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About the Author: Jay M


  1. Interstellar is probably the best movie ever made by Mankind.
    And for me, it is legendary, and the best movie on our small planet in an infinity of stars, black holes, planets, galaxies… in our great Universe.
    We have time, we have solutions and motivations. We must explore, satisfying our curiosity for all Humanity, from the beginning of civilization to that moment. We must save Earth and our race.
    I am 14 and I love this movie because I'm finding someone in this story, through the characters… myself. Feared about clilat change, political crisis, conflicts and separations… Feared about living the apocalypse, the end of this book called "Mankind", and fascinated by space…
    This movie will stay in my heart forever. If I have children in the future, I will show them Interstellar.

  2. This brought me tears of joy for both them and fucking Nolan delivered it really well, we need more films like this, films that bring us together……………………….

  3. Her final point was very shrewd for all of us who wish time travel was possible. Even if it was possible, maybe we shouldn't because some events which make life meaningful are bound to time. Murph didn't want her dad to see her death because it may be real physically, but it's not real in the way a father and child are connected. Parents are the ghosts of their children's future

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