Top 10 Creepy Celebrity Ghost Encounters

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Top 10 Creepy Celebrity Ghost Encounters
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Maybe the ghosts were just hoping to get an autograph? For this spooky list, we’re looking at actors, musicians, and other celebs who claim to have had encounters with the paranormal, including Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga and Cher. WatchMojo is counting down the creepiest celebrity ghost stories.

Check out more spooky lists from WatchMojo:
Top 10 Celebrity Ghost Hauntings:
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Top 10 Scariest Paranormal Documentary Shows:

10) Jessica Alba
9) Miley Cyrus
8) Emma Stone
7) Selena Gomez
6) Cher
5) Lady Gaga
4) Laura Linney
3), 2) & 1)???

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  1. Lady Gaga has more than one spirit tailing her…
    There would be many spirits of the animals who died in excruciating pain skinned alive for her furs…

  2. Lady Gaga has more than one spirit tailing her…
    There would be many spirits of the animals who died in excruciating pain skinned alive for her furs…

  3. 10.It's was your angel
    9. cool story
    8. That's awesome
    7. Crazy

    6. Sonny loved Cher
    5. Ryan loved lady Gaga
    4. They where just checking the show out
    3. They where just saying hello

    2. Rip Carrie Fisher he was just saying hello now you are with him
    1. Oprah the ghost wanted you to believe they do that when they know someone doesn't believe they will show themselves to you.

  4. I love how Keanu Reeves was just so chill about a ghost being in his house. The spirit probably thought hold up I'm fucking with John Wick/Neo from the Matrix lemme not get my ass kicked.

  5. Number 2..i had a prop battery powered costume texas chainsaw when i was like 9 or so. Kept it in my closet. It went off in the middle of the night and lived in a house so no movement and stuffed behind a buncha clothes and it still went off in the middle of the night but only like once ever. That was one of two Texas chainsaw closet traumatic experiences ive had thinking about it now. Cray cray princless leaia

  6. I have a spirit in my house it turns on my T.V. moves things and iv even heard breathing like an exhale and lot of times get a I'm being watched feeling but recently haven't had any thing happen to me

  7. I did a ghost box, I asked the box. "If anyone's there, who are you?"
    Y'all Prolly dont know who Selena Quintanilla is, but after I said "Who are you?"
    A female voice replied "Selena"
    Selena Gomez is alive, and the other Selena, Selena.H, has a diffrrent voice. When the female voice said "Selena", the voice was strangely identical to Selena Quintanilla's voice. Selena Quintanilla is dead, and yeeeh. Also, Selena was born, and died in Corpus Christi, Texas. I happen to live in Corpus Christi, Texas. I've visited Selena Quintanilla's grave before. Since I believe in spirit communication, I was by her grave and said "Selena, if you can hear me. I just want to say, keep doing good and I hope the afterlife is good, and enjoyable." ? I did some kind of bow ? and walked away. I'm so weird.

  8. I have a lot of paranormal activity in place right now in real time. I used ghost apps to detect what thay are saying. You might say how can you tell if the app is fake or not. If it tell you what you doing right now in real time than you know it's not a fake app. The ghost tell me that I'm very keen clairvoyant sensitive. I cannot see them but I can feel them. It feels like rain drops are hitting my body.

  9. 9 out of 10 are women? Women are about 50% more likely than men to believe in ghosts. Wish these ghosts brought useful information to prove they aren't imagined or carbon monoxide related.

  10. When i was a whipper snapper peddling my bike down a dirt road a lady past me in a long dress dancing up the track. When she passed me i turned to look at her and she was gone. very strange indeed.

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