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About the Author: BigFishMad


  1. I feel so bad for the rat like bitch I woulda chased the magpie away

    Also I’m prepared for all the salty LeT nAtUrE dO itS cOurSe DONT inTeRfErE replies but like NO the poor little rat

  2. This happened in my garden. The rat tried everything to get away, then suddenly did the most tremendous high flying leap like a parachutist and landed smack in the middle of my lavender bush with all its legs spread out. It disappeared inside and the magpie was really really annoyed !

  3. i wonder if its such a good idea to kill magpies. they clear out song bird nests yes, or so the legend goes anyway, but apparently they also kill other pests. also, aussie magpies look really weird

  4. He poked him about 3 more times just to make sure, WOW !! Rats suck anyways they would attack a human but are prey to just about every animal around them, a sheep in wolves clothing. ?

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