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About the Author: Admin


  1. repetiu a mesma luta ( jaguar vs lobo ) 3 veses e só mostrou a Vitória do lobo sendo que em 60% das lutas o jaguar ganha . ( pra quem n sabe é a mesma coisa q o snow leopard vs wolf no 4) e esqueceu de mostrar talvez outras lutas mais conhecidas como sabertooth vs mamoth e sabertooth vs cave Lion . Só isso q me incomodou no vídeo . Mas n deixa de ser bom .

  2. I noticed something in the cave bear vs sabre fight scene the battle was just exactly like the one in the ice age land of giants documantery in which the cave bear faced off against the cave lion and the bear won by biting the chest just like the documantery

  3. Nice video and also I just subbed to your channel, can you by any chance subscribe to me so then both of our channels can grow Thanks. Keep up the good work.

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