Removing a plastic straw from a sea turtle's nostril – Short Version

Removing a plastic straw from a sea turtle's nostril - Short Version
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While on a research project in Costa Rica, Nathan J. Robinson removed a 10 cm (4 in) plastic straw that was entirely embedded into the nostril of an olive ridley sea turtle. Lamentably, this is a consequence of the world of single-use, non-biodegradable plastic that we currently live in.

There is a solution and it lies in our own decisions. Please say no to all single-use plastic. Every plastic straw, plastic bag, or plastic bottle that ends up in the oceans could mean the difference between life or death for any number of marine animals.

Video taken by: Christine Figgener.


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About the Author: The Leatherback Trust


  1. ゴミ捨てる人が減って欲しい…こう言うコメントする人たちって自分のこと全く考えてなさそう

  2. This is why vsco girls are a thing do if u say vsco girls are annoying they aren't! They got noticed by some sea expert or something and they started a community to help save the sea life so God bless all da sea animals and our earth

  3. 鼻にドリル突っ込んで血が出てるのかと思ったら……


  4. olha o que aconteceu com a tartaruguinha eu queria que todo mundo que jogassse lixo no mar morrese pq olha o que tava no nariz da tartaruga eu queria pegar esse ferro e enfiar no seu nariz e tirar ele se anestesia igual o da tartaruga olha o nariz dela ta sangrando e ela ta chorando de dor e eu to corando de dor de ver ela sofrendo assim quem joga lixo no mar é um filho duma puta [VERSÃO EM INGLES ENGLISH VERSION } look what happened to the turtle I wanted everyone who threw trash in the sea died because look what was on the turtle's nose I wanted to take this iron and stick it in its nose and take it anesthetized just like the turtle looks her nose is bleeding and she is crying with pain and I'm blushing with pain to see her suffering so who throws trash in the sea is a son of a bitch

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