9 Natural Hazards You Should Stay Away From

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Throughout the history of humankind, people kept on inventing new types of weapons and technology – from gunpowder to the nuclear bomb. However, nature is still the most destructive and merciless weapon that has ever threatened human civilization. People could never – and quite possibly will never – learn how to curb it. Today we will tell you about the most dangerous natural phenomena that can kill hundreds or even thousands of people – so you better try to avoid them at all costs.


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About the Author: BRAIN TIME


  1. According to Trump, we can save lives nuking hurricanes. Wow! I never knew we could curve a natural hazard that way.
    Thank goodness this man knows what he's doing & that he has the nuke button right at his disposal! We need to give this genius 20 more nuke buttons just for the hurricanes! I don't know what we'd do without him. #Trump2020 anyone?
    But seriously he actually did just say that. No joke.

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