This monkey is playing with rabbits, poor rabbit

This monkey is playing with rabbits, poor rabbit
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This monkey vs rabbit, no it is not actually they are playing together for fun, please try to save these rabbits and don’t let the monkeys do this again to rabbit.

Other interesting video about monkey here.

So scared to see this kind of situation from Monkeys and smaller animals around.
Thanks for your watching our video. Please apology for any inconvenient cause that may disturb anyone, these wild monkeys vs rabbits are friendly play together.
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About the Author: Animals Cambodia


  1. It is ALWAYS you that have animals in the videos. Is it YOU that give the monkeys cats and rabbits. If so, you are a NASTY AND DISGUSTING ANIMAL ABUSER. Always you. Isnt it strange . . . Disgusting VULTURE.

  2. You are a sadistic, cold, heartless bastard !!! These are not wild rabbits, if they were wild rabbits, they would have survival skills, and would have booked it the moment that any danger revealed itself. These are captive rabbits, bred and sold to be pets. Fuck you for your cruel, sideshow, and a FUCK YOU FOR TAKING LIBERTIES, for YouTube $$$. Creep!

  3. I am amazed about the number of people who have left comments who seem perfectly ok with this!!! They’re actually ok with a monkey tormenting and killing a rabbit (kitten, puppy, etc…). If I were there, that damned sh*t rat would be missing its head. I love animals, especially cats, but I absolutely loathe monkeys, baboons and chimpanzees. These videos only increase my hatred for monkeys. I don’t see ANYTHING redeeming about the nasty, cruel things…

  4. Desgraciados le pusieron conejos a los monos para que los maten. Será que la protectora de animales no ven esto. Los conejos son muy débiles y no saben como defenderse. POR FAVOR URGENTE REVISEN E INSPECCIONEN ESE PARQUE , Aparte de insalubre hay crueldad animal , mucha basura, y pulgas. Jamás fumigan y las moscas son las que pican a Juliana que ya tiene , creo, hasta guisamos. HELP ,

  5. TAKE THE BUNNIES AWAY FROM HER!!!! YOU'RE DOING VIDEOS AND CAN'T SAVE BUNNIES!?!?!? Some uncaring, HEARTLESS human let them go!! White Albino Bunnies DO NOT HATCH IN THE WILD!! YOU DON'T VALUE ANY LIFE DO YOU!!!! ASSH**ES! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!! ?????????? YOU LIKE BEING HERO SO SAVE THESE BUNNIES. THEY ARE NOT USE TO BEING IN THE WILD!!!! DO SOMETHING STUPID MORON!!! I Own a bunny, they're beautiful pets!!!! SAVE THEM !!!! PLEASE!!!!! POOR THINGS ARE SO SCARED!! YOU CAMBODIANS REALLY HAVE NOTHING DO YOU? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE TOTALLY EMPTY INSIDE? YOU PROBABLY TREAT YOUR KIDS THE SAME WAY!! That witch that had Santa didn't pay attention to her kids!! You're oblivious to feelings!! That's so sick!! No love, no compassion, caring, no heart, no brains, nothing!!! I actually feel so sorry for you people. But THANK GOD we have feelings!!! But watching this is heartbreaking ?????!!!!!

  6. who is this cameraman because i would love to kick his stinky ass … this jackass was filming not helping bunnies and this cruelty .. if monkey doesn't understand these things but we human understand properly then why this inhuman bastard was not helping bunnies …

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