Rasta – abandoned and frightened, with dreadlocks full of fleas.

Rasta - abandoned and frightened, with dreadlocks full of fleas.
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If you want to adopt Rasta please contact us: http://dogrescueshelter.org/contact/

Please watch a video of our shelter here: https://goo.gl/gqMzyS
Website: https://goo.gl/K7xUHN
FB Page: https://goo.gl/TeXHsb
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#DogRescue #AnimalRescue #AnimalShelter


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  1. Thank you, you are Angels! Where are you and how can I donate please???
    If somebody deserve donations..than is it you! You make great job…and the sweet ? sned also shade ??send you Love!???

  2. Thank you for rescuing that beautiful dog. I have a concern. I hope that those dogs that I see are not exposed to the sun all day, nor to the water if it rains. We must protect them from the sun and rain. They cannot be exposed to the weather.

  3. What a beautiful job you did for him. You are angels on Earth. This video gave me a reason to smile today. Please keep up the good work and save as many as you

  4. Ako niste uključite monetizaciju na klipove znam da su od toga pare male ali bar nešto da se pridoda, i nadam se da imate dovoljno donacija da mozete da pazite na sve zivotinje u vasem prihvatilistu, ako nemate trazite pomoc od opštine

  5. I'm grateful for your rescue of another abandoned dog and giving him a second chance at life. The rescue teams in the United States have different methods, spending more time to gain the frightened dog's trust, speaking to him/ her softly, and they don't introduce the dog to a pack of curious barking dogs, resulting in more terror. I commend you on your work in saving animals in need, and will support you soon. But please realize that abandoned animals live in fear, and they respond to gentle handling. Finally, there's a difference in the word stomach and abdomen, which is the cavity which holds all abdominal organs including the stomach. Once again, many thanks for saving animals in need.

  6. Cuando llega a la perrera con el perrito rasga se ve en el video uno de los perros con el plato en la boca como pidiendo comida o agua. observen bien el vídeo

  7. For all you people out there that think having dreads is cool, this dog is what you look like to the rest of us. It’s nasty and unsanitary for the dog and people too.

  8. A big thank you for rescuing him and giving him a chance of a good life with someone who will care for him. Unfortunately there’s so much animal abuse out there but as long as you rescuers and volunteers keep doing your amazing work you’ll continue to make such a difference to these poor little dogs lives god bless you all

  9. Dragi moji, Bog Vas blagoslovio i sve vam dobro u zivotu i zbrinjavanju tih neduznih dragih bica dao! Koliko ljubavi i dobrote imate i dajete… Sve sve vam najbolje zelim i hvala vam

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