Rescue two dogs abandoned outside the giant landfill…The incredible rescue

Rescue two dogs abandoned outside the giant landfill...The incredible rescue
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Rescue two dogs abandoned outside the giant landfill…The incredible rescue

Two abandoned dogs at the giant landfill. Today is on the way to a small village. I went and got lost, I didn’t know which way to go. And coming here I had to stop to ask for directions. I looked around to see no one and there were some garbage dump workers nearby.

         I stopped and watched, a huge garbage dump full of rubbish. I heard the sound of dogs barking around, but I think someone who is nearby raises. The workers are sorting garbage. I went to ask for directions and she showed me the way.

          She also said that under the garbage there was someone who abandoned two dogs. She told me to take it and take care of it, her house is not eligible to feed. I went down and saw two puppies in a sack. Two dogs are pitiful. I picked up two dogs. Two dogs eat very well, they are probably very hungry.

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Please see other videos of dogs:
– Rescue 4 Puppies Abandoned In Card Board BOX Near The Trash Can… Rescue Rescues Millions Of Hearts

– Rescue Puppy Abandoned Dog in Construction site…The poorest homeless dog:

– Rescue the dog in danger under the bulldozer…Rain and cold vibrate the heart:


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About the Author: Love Animal World


  1. حطبه هذي ارواح بريءه تمرض وتجي بالالم وكالجوع والعطش كيف ترمي مع الازبال لا والادهي رابطيها في كيس ربك الله بنار جهنم بالي قيدتهم وكبيتهم مع الازبال الله يعطيه الصحه كلمن انقذهم

  2. Fdp quem colocou os cãezinhos amarrados num saco..mas Deus é grande e poderoso e vai dar a lição neste fdp q fez esta maldade e não deveria ter nascido este ser imundícia …….

  3. Je trouve horrible et odieux d'abandonner des chiots dans une décharge il ne faut pas aimé les animaux je suis dégoutée scandalisé et horrifié il faut être hinumain

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