Top 7 fight to death compilation 1

Top 7 fight to death compilation 1
Spread The Viralist

This is to let people know that we must not do this be calm.


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About the Author: Mumbai Fights


  1. Girl fights are the cutest thing in the world. They roll and fall like toddlers, fuggin adorable. I just be wanting to give them a big hug lol.

  2. The one that had the guy in the blue shirt ? was a bad ass. He beat 3 people at one time. Took the weapon off the one girl and beat their ass with it. Wow!!

  3. Stop the racist comments. To call them " non fighting ass niggers/ lil Wayne looking ass niggers/ get a job cuz u Ashy ass monkey ape ass niggers". Not all black people act like this

  4. That girl who got on top should have gave the one holding onto her hair a 3rd degree indian burn…then she would've let go in a hurry lol

  5. You see what is happening, now that is loitering. None of those guys look like they have been missing any meals lately.

  6. Seems like it’s almost always the same people group involved in these situations where there’s a lack of impulse control. Truth can’t be denied. You ever seen a troop of chimps attacking on the nature channel? Almost identical. Grabbing their privates, screaming , and hopping around.

  7. I was doing the jig at 7:02 lol. I hate violence but at least if you need to settle some kind of dispute/score in anger, THIS is how. Good old fair Fist Fights!
    Only Cowards use guns, knives any weapons….

  8. Ladies who are fighting, when you are on top of her and she is holding you hair with two hands, don’t punch her in the head, go for the throat. Which is more important oxygen or pride; sooner or later she’s gonna need to breath.

  9. Is there no information or back story to any of these videos? Or do you just copy paste other people's videos into compilations and pass them off as your own???

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