Potats crackin jokes about Daddo / Shiba Inu puppies (with captions)

Potats crackin jokes about Daddo / Shiba Inu puppies (with captions)
Spread The Viralist

he atacc
he protecc
but most importantly

he talcc abt daddo behind his bacc

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About the Author: shibainu shiro suki


  1. I had one dog before, as soon we start treating her with our cooked food she stoped eating her dry food. The food would be there for a week and she would prefer to starve herself. I had to start buying dog wet food for her or cook meat.

  2. Wait I'm confused. How come there was a video when these pups got older but theres this video where these 3 pups are all of a sudden. Small little pups ???

  3. Hi everyone i live in India I have 17 stray dogs I give them food and medical care no 1 help me now dogs r increasing I can't take care bcoz of money. We all can take care 17 dogs and many more Street animal plz help me

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