GoPro Shooting Guns Compilation Part 2

GoPro Shooting Guns Compilation Part 2
Spread The Viralist

Shooting a different variety of weapons all filmed with a GoPro camera. Can you name all of them?

Link to Part 1:


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About the Author: GunsOfTheWorld


  1. Great vid, i ws just wondering if you could shoot more modern guns like the sig mpx and scorpion, glock 19 gen 5 idk how hard it is to get weapons like that cause all i have is a glock and a kar98

  2. This was the weapons i recognised

    1. Mosin nagant m91
    2. Mauser Karabiner 98k (maybe)
    3. Rolling block rifle
    4. Mas-36 rifle
    5. Walther p39
    6. 1873 Winchester rifle
    7. Sten mark 2
    8. Finnish m39 mosin nagant rifle
    9. Mas-44
    10. Chinese paratrooper Sks
    11. K31 swiss rifle
    12. Egytptian Rasheed

  3. 1: Michelle
    2: Cody
    3: Cleveland
    4: Kathy
    5: Georgia
    6: Saint Linda
    7: Tube Dude
    8: France
    9: Dumbledore
    10: church bell noise
    11: Marie Antoinette
    12: gun
    13: Smelly jazz musician
    14: Mmm this dinner is good honey
    15: Conquistador
    16: Love

    I think

  4. Dude your collection is excellent. You should hit up some of the classic firearms channels and challenge them to a vintage military arms match.

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