Top 20 Incredible Safari Moments Caught on Camera

Top 20 Incredible Safari Moments Caught on Camera
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These top 20 incredible safari moments feature some amazing safari encounters captured on camera.

From crazy lion attacks to safari vehicles being chased by predators, these are the most crazy safari videos we’ve seen

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  1. La moraleja es déjenlos en paz, bastantes los destorbamos. Las reservas que protegen esos animales de cazadores están bien, pero no hay que hacer negligencias, siempre hacer caso de los guias si se quiere ir sí o sí, y se tienen que respetar ciertos márgenes pues no creo que a nadie le gustara que le hicieran lo mismo: entrar en su casa, chillar, tomar fotos, reírse… son animales preciosos pero Salvajes, no lo olvidemos.

  2. hahaha those giraffes 'fighting' ! 06:30 odd And that stupid tour guide taking them so close to the elephants. It could have killed her or at best ravaged her face with that tusk !

  3. I am convinced white people really dont value their lives very much and these africans have learned to serve the whites recklessness desites put their lives at risk also.

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