Mom Harlequin Great Dane Giving Birth To Many Cute Puppies- Life Of Dog Breed

Mom Harlequin Great Dane Giving Birth To Many Cute Puppies- Life Of Dog Breed
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A Great Dane is truly a great dog breed — large and noble, commonly referred to as a gentle or as the “Apollo of dogs.” Apollo is the Greek god of the sun, the brightest fixture in the sky. The Great Dane certainly holds stature in the dog world; but though he looks terribly imposing, in reality he’s one of the natured dogs around. For all of his size, a Great Dane is a sweet, affectionate pet. He loves to play and is gentle with children.

As tall as 32 inches at the shoulder, Danes tower other dogs—and when standing on their hind legs, they are taller than people. These powerful are the picture of elegance and balance, with the smooth and easy stride of born noblemen. The coat comes in different colors and patterns, perhaps the best-known being the black-and-white patchwork pattern known as “harlequin.”
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About the Author: Story Animal Giving Birth


  1. Hey… The first great dane on this is my sweet baby girl Ava! 🙂
    I was just watching different videos and i clicked on this one and to my surprise seen my Ava! Haha

  2. Que gracinha desses cachorrinhos que vai nascer é tão bonitinho se fosse meu eu dá vontade de apertar por causa que é uma gracinha se não fosse eu tava gostosinho agora a minha amiga quer falar a minha amiga quer falar fala Maria a minha amiga disse assim que não bate nele por causa que ele é um cachorrinho muito bonito por causa que ele é lindo judia dele por causa que ele é uma gracinha no mundo todo um beijo tchau tchau

  3. huynh ngoc tuyet nhi minh cung rat thich chu cho cai nay no rat thuong con cua no rat de thuong va dang yeu minh nghin no cam dong qua di minh coi muon khoc ghe

  4. Never EVER touch a newborn puppy or even newborn kitten that was just born! Because for both dogs and cats! If you don’t wear gloves or something that is covering your hands completely when holding a newborn kitten or newborn puppy this can cause A BIG problem! If you hold them without anything and just your hands, this will mess up the puppies scent due to your scent of hands, and it’ll make the mother confused or she will smell the scent and won’t think it’s her puppy even if she knows it is, same for kittens, expect for mother’s will kill their kittens if different scent but not all the time, for both dogs and cats, if you do hold a newborn puppy or newborn kitten without gloves and just your hands it’ll equal the mother possibly neglecting that puppy you touched or kitten, and won’t let them feed off her. But if it’s just to help or aid the mother with the birth that’s fine

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