Cute Puppies: Covered in a Pile of Puppies | One List One Life

Cute Puppies: Covered in a Pile of Puppies | One List One Life
Spread The Viralist

One List One Life is the story of two friends, Clay and Dillon, doing everything they can to make bucket list dreams possible for cancer patients. Want to support our mission? Check out how:

In 2017, Clay and Dillon found out their friend since 5th grade had one year left to live. His cancer was back and the prognosis wasn’t looking good.

Hearing that news, we decided to quit our jobs and drop out of college to create, experience, and document our bucket list. Overnight, this story went viral and our bucket list became a reality – from feeding the homeless to meeting Danny Devito, anything was possible.

Then, after a few months of making viral videos around our bucket list, we aimed to cross off #4: break a world record. Our community beat the world recording for most bone marrow donor signups after launching a successful viral campaign, #LemonsForLeukemia. Fortunately for us, 11,000 people joined the bone marrow registry – one of them saving our friend’s life.

We’ve seen the crazy things that happen when you spend just a little bit of effort to Live For Another and One List One Life is our attempt to document all the high’s and low’s of that journey.


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About the Author: One List One Life


  1. I just want to say three things.

    First of all, thank you guys for helping Lexi do this, it definitely means the world to her.

    Second of all, your vibrant personality and your huge smile has convinced me to live through every moment, Lexi. Thanks for that.

    And lastly, here's to you beating cancer! Don't stop fighting!

  2. My mother had ulcerative colitis from a very young age. It's not cancer but the effects are quite adverse. She's now in her 50s and I'm around your age.

    What you guys are doing is exactly what people at this stage need. Socialization, positive experiences along with interactions with people that understand… And the Internet is the ideal medium to make such efforts even more impaction. The fact that you're so young and still using your energy to do all this good makes this even more insiring.

    Growing up I had a hard time understanding why my mum was going through the mood she had. It's quite funny because my I realize that my mom learned to use the Internet almost exclusively to communicate with other people that have her disease and it's helping her cope better. This is something she needed for a long time but couldn't get. When she was your age she could only wish for a way to meet people around her age that were like her.

    So please keep connecting with young people fighting disease. I know that I will probably never feel what's it's like to be alone in your pain, but I understand from my second hand experiences that work like this brings joy to those that most need it. Happiness has a healing effect and people fighting disease need our help to reach it. Keep up your work.

  3. There is so much to learn from her. I don't even have words about how amazing she is and all you guys.

  4. This is so sweet and cute; you guys are the best taking time out of your lives to help others. I can't wait to see what the future brings for you all!

  5. You guys are amazing. I am a 21 year old osteosarcoma survivor. I finished treatment just less than 3 months ago. I understand what she has been through and it is truly amazing what you guys are doing for her.? Keep it up

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