Tired Fox gets Released Back to the Wild – Wildlife Animal Rescue

Tired Fox gets Released Back to the Wild - Wildlife Animal Rescue
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The exhausted little fox from the horse stables is now fighting fit and gets returned to her home patch in this (hopefully) last video of her journey.

Thank you to everyone who donated in to help pay for her care, it’s all credit to you for giving this little girl a second chance at life and ultimately given this story a happy ending!

Please keep up to date with us on facebook (www.facebook.com/wildlifeaid) so that you can find another animal that needs your care.

If you missed the start of this girl’s story, you can watch the whole thing here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?feature=edit_ok&list=PL_9TMmorC4cDiIkWf8F8kAxuFIWq0smcg

To adopt a Fox: http://www.wildlifeaid.org.uk/products/adoption/adopt-fox
To find an animal that needs your help: www.facebook.com/wildlifeaid


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About the Author: Wildlife Aid


  1. After a stressful week, nothing is more relaxing and heart warming then your videos and stories. ……I just ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ y'all ??Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND ?

  2. So people don't like fox here in Oz. They can get mange. Fox has become a city dweller and comes out late at night.
    Some people don't like pigeon..I was told a pigeon was a pest…yet in the second world war, pigeons came in very helpful!!

  3. Apologies for the mistake here, the fox made it and was released, the person commenting on it on behalf of WAF must have been thinking of another video, sorry for the misinformation.

  4. So you're saying the "Tired Fox" was released in this video, but then died later on.  I did notice her go into a shed towards the end of the video, did you find her/him dead in there.  I'm not really understanding what really happened.

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