The World's Largest Pick-Up Truck Load, Carrying the Impossible

The World's Largest Pick-Up Truck Load, Carrying the Impossible
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Came across this pick up truck transporting basically an entire jungle in the bed.

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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. The first time I saw a Mexican man carrying a refrigerator on a scooter, I was shocked and impressed… then I realized that's just how things get done! Since then, I have seen a family of 6 on a scooter (3 adults, 4 children), air conditioners, propane tanks… you name it… all on a humble scooter!
    Then I went to Malaysia and found out that Mexicans are 'minor league' when it comes to hauling things on scooters!
    It's an amazing world out there, filled with amazing people doing amazing things… all you have to do is stop and watch!

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