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About the Author: Admin


  1. Could have very easily have cut out the first 4 minutes of this video, cut out the boring shit next time. These cop compilations are so hard to watch because of the boring shit

  2. I think the last one in this video proves that riding a horse in a crowded city is not very good for police. The cop is better off on a bicycle because he can easily hop off and jump on the criminal without thinking the bike is going to trample pedestrians afterward, or be startled and run off at any random loud noise.

    The horse was only a good idea back before cars were invented, in the 1800s; and mainly in small towns with plenty of room to ride fast on the open roads.

  3. I like confused genders. I like a woman to be a guy in a woman's body but yet have the girl come out during sex but at the same time I want the dick of him inside my mouth while I fuck his woman parts in the rear.

  4. 3 felonies at once should be dead or alive warrant upgrade. 1 cop around the corner with 1, 15 round magazine in the windshield, chase over.

  5. Great footage from the Horse cam.
    It must be so frigging irritating when you have so many pricks all standing like idiots in the road, blocking your way.
    I have to be honest, but I am of the opinion, that anyone in the road, should be fair game.
    I used to be a parkingh attandant in a car park a few years ago, and there was a fire in a building and there was a road going down to it, and there were parked cars all along the roadway… Now, there was only just enough room for cars to squeeze through, but the fire engine could not, so a fireman got out of the tender ( Fire Truck ) and when along the road, looking into each and every car, and when he got to the other end, he waved the truck on, and the truck simply shot down the road, smahing every one of the cars out of the way.

    The engine then went on to attend the fire, and another guy came along a few minutes later with cards and he was putting them under the windscreen wipers, and taking photos of the cars and their number plates.

    I went and asked the guy what he was doing, and he said that these cars were blocking the access, and so the fire service had to get to the emergency and because they were blocking the roads, they were liable to the repairs to the fire engine, and the cards were explaining that, and the photos were because the fire service were fully intending on prosecuting the owners of the cars!

    I pissed myself laughing. More so, because those cars parked on that bit of road to avoid paying me the 50p parking charge.

  6. That man on the horse needs a good pair of spurs or a lot more training. That horse would not listen very good

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