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Idiots on the Road – Dashcam video #865 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Scotts Car Cameras
Drivers of Los Angeles
The best collection of car video caught on Dash Cam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Recent compilations every day!.
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Featured Playlists car theme !!!
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
I guess ill notify the owner
Leave enuf time to get your destination. Factor that time in. Go either early a.m. or from 1 to 3 p.m. all other times ppl frantic to get to work get their kids or get home. Ugh
10:02 it’s from Goiania, in Brazil…
9:45 made me about piss myself
Patience is key
oh no very sad video 🙁
Think they need to pay attention to what they are doing instead of being ignorant or stupid
Lol ? the 1st clip, the car’s like “ see ya, psyche” apparently the car don’t like its owner
That last clip demonstrates why police refer to some motorcycle riders as 'organ donors'
Come on china. You just got cars and already your roads are packed like it's India. Learn from those that have gone before you.
I swear the fucking Chinese are even more retarded, than the damned Russians.
3:29 – to be sure that I understand right, there is no zipper rule in LA? (one car from one lane, one car from the other lane)
Stop giving Drivers of LA attention, he's obviously an idiot that instigates half the shit on his channel and half the shit yyou feature on this channel.
Please no more "Drivers of Los Angeles" vids, they are boring als hell. Not worth watching.
не по себе, когда видео с левосторонним движением
Одно старье….
10:02, Brazil, KKKKKKKKKKKK 😉
Need uber ?
I hate it when people drive sooo carelessly putting their innocent babies and children at risk of serious injuries ❗️
+ 554
Да уж, дорога ошибок не прощает, дураков не любит. Вспомним народное правили "Три Д" — Дай Дорогу Дураку"
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That Los Angeles driver sucks. Please stop using his videos, it cheapens your content.
Even if you change the lane with a blinker does not mean you dont have to look
out of focus. waist of eyes.
Mr los Angeles is a stuck up asshole
10:00 that UFO in the woods was cool.
I don't understand why this is rated 18+ by the uploader: no images of people maimed by bending metal or being burned alive (and I have seen those) :-0
Китайцы-наглые ослы,то ли правил не знают,то ли щемятся даже если не правы.Умиротворяет то,что их также прямо режут.Рано!Рано они пересели с мулов и мопедов на современные авто-техника прогрессирует,а сознание как в аулах (
Whats up with the continuous clips of dogs crossing the street in every single video on this channel?
Here road where not a single driver (only on a sharp need) does not want to go and it in the center of Europe. Who interesting on my channel of video under the name the "Новый Буг – Кривой Рог 2018 + Бонус как объехать автобан по полям"
hard to watch videos. no action at all. unsubscribe
99.9% faulty are from stupid dashcam drivers.
And, STILL there are folks who think that "evolution" is a thing.
Herr Keks what you problem?????? You mom lick your small dick bitch
1:30 only rude thing is no signals otherwise what is wrong?
Can't watch the last clip, even though the bike rider is a twat. Don't want to see a shirtless man hit the pavement.
I did enjoy the Aussie content.
Californians once again proving why they're hot garbage
Lol Mr. Los Angeles driver is fucking terrible
3:58 The blinker does not give you permission to change lanes; it is merely your indication of a desire to change lanes. The Telsa driver may have been rude and riding the shoulder is also illegal, but you do not have the right to change lanes until there is opening that you can fit into without interfering with other vehicles already in that lane.
Most of these retards deserve what they get. Simply careless drivers whose minds are on something other than driving.
Dogs in Russia have TOTALLY figured out what crosswalks are for!
you gotta stop using that "bad drivers of LA" account to rip from. it's not interesting. pls stop, lol.
Imagine how many lives and money would be saved if Russia just had normal traffic and pedestrian crossing lights.
3:58 Seriously? Just because you used your indicator doesn't give you the right to swerve into another lane and cut people off. Whilst I don't agree with brake checking, you had it coming :-/
Jeez, DOLA's going for the most clips of the week title eh!
I have questions…
1) do pedestrian think the lines on the road are going to protect them from speeding drivers?? They never seem to look past the stopped car!!
2) do these countries NOT have speed limits???
3) does a red light mean stop in these countries?? They seem not to matter….
4) why is it that people cutting others off always seem to be the ones who cause wrecks, but don't usually get hit!!!
I've watched tons of these vids. So these are just random observations….
I do not understand, never will, why peoples crossing don't look before they keep crossing. I mean, just cause one lane stopped don't mean the others have…. Ijs
So what is the man saying when showing the dog crossing the street? Does he say dogs are smarter then humans? I'm asking for a friend.
3:32 what s the toyota supposed to do? rear end the car to move up 3 INCHES?!?!