People are Awesome 2012 (NEW)

People are Awesome 2012 (NEW)
Spread The Viralist

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About the Author: Enedino junior


  1. İ really cant stop my tears. when this vid come out im 9 year old boy and my cat and grandma is alive now i found this vid at 2017 im at high school im a 15 year old teenager and my cat and my grandma is passed away sometimes i really want to go back to good old days life goes really fast PEOPLE ARE AWSOME SEP 30 17

  2. This was mostly great – but you shouldn't be encouraging more total idiots to abuse zoo animals – the guy riding the rhino deserves no publicity and should be reported.

  3. 2016 ones suck becuz people are making kore and more tech and kids arntmplaying anymore there stuck inside on there pc i go outside 5 hours each day (not strait just 5 hours that as much time as i have cuz i have school)

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